
Gas phase ion energetics data

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data evaluated as indicated in comments:
HL - Edward P. Hunter and Sharon G. Lias

Data compiled as indicated in comments:
LL - Sharon G. Lias and Joel F. Liebman
LLK - Sharon G. Lias, Rhoda D. Levin, and Sherif A. Kafafi
RDSH - Henry M. Rosenstock, Keith Draxl, Bruce W. Steiner, and John T. Herron

View reactions leading to H2N2+ (ion structure unspecified)

Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Proton affinity (review)192.kcal/molN/AHunter and Lias, 1998HL
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Gas basicity184.6kcal/molN/AHunter and Lias, 1998HL

Ionization energy determinations

IE (eV) Method Reference Comment
9.589 ± 0.007PIRuscic and Berkowitz, 1991T = 0K; LL
9.80 ± 0.05EIWiberg, Fischer, et al., 1979LLK
9.7 ± 0.1EIWillis, Lossing, et al., 1976LLK
9.59 ± 0.01PEFrost, Lee, et al., 1976LLK
9.59PEFrost, Lee, et al., 1975LLK
9.9EIMelton, 1966RDSH
9.9 ± 0.1EIFoner and Hudson, 1958RDSH

Appearance energy determinations

Ion AE (eV) Other Products MethodReferenceComment
HN2+10.905 ± 0.019HPIRuscic and Berkowitz, 1991T = 356K; LL
HN2+10.954 ± 0.019HPIRuscic and Berkowitz, 1991T = 0K; LL
HN2+11.33 ± 0.05HEIWiberg, Fischer, et al., 1979LLK
HN2+10.98 ± 0.05HEIWillis, Lossing, et al., 1976LLK
H2+13.403 ± 0.036N2PIRuscic and Berkowitz, 1991T = 0K; LL
H2+13.353 ± 0.036N2PIRuscic and Berkowitz, 1991T = 356K; LL
N2+14.00 ± 0.05H2EIWillis, Lossing, et al., 1976LLK


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Hunter and Lias, 1998
Hunter, E.P.; Lias, S.G., Evaluated Gas Phase Basicities and Proton Affinities of Molecules: An Update, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1998, 27, 3, 413-656, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.556018 . [all data]

Ruscic and Berkowitz, 1991
Ruscic, B.; Berkowitz, J., Photoionization mass spectrometric study of N2H2 and N2H3: N-H, N=N bond energies and proton affinity of N2, J. Chem. Phys., 1991, 95, 4378. [all data]

Wiberg, Fischer, et al., 1979
Wiberg, N.; Fischer, G.; Bachhuber, H., Diazen und andere Distickstoffhydride: Bildungswarmen, Dissoziationsenergien, Auftrittspotentiale, Protonenaffinitaten, Z. Naturforsch. B:, 1979, 34, 1385. [all data]

Willis, Lossing, et al., 1976
Willis, C.; Lossing, F.P.; Back, R.A., The heat of formation of N2H2 and the proton affinity of N2, Can. J. Chem., 1976, 54, 1. [all data]

Frost, Lee, et al., 1976
Frost, D.C.; Lee, S.T.; McDowell, C.A.; Westwood, N.P.C., The photoelectron spectra of diazene, diazene-d2, trans-methyldiazene, J. Chem. Phys., 1976, 64, 4719. [all data]

Frost, Lee, et al., 1975
Frost, D.C.; Lee, S.T.; McDowell, C.A.; Westwood, N.P.C., The photoelectron spectrum of diazene (diimine), Chem. Phys. Lett., 1975, 30, 26. [all data]

Melton, 1966
Melton, C.E., Study by mass spectrometry of the decomposition of ammonia by ionizing radiation in a wide-range radiolysis source, J. Chem. Phys., 1966, 45, 4414. [all data]

Foner and Hudson, 1958
Foner, S.N.; Hudson, R.L., Diimide-identification and study by mass spectrometry, J. Chem. Phys., 1958, 28, 719. [all data]


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