Mn+ (structure unspecified)

Gas phase ion energetics data

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Reactions leading to Mn+ (ion structure unspecified)

Precursor AP (eV) Other Products Method Reference Comment
C5BrMnO516.5?EIJunk, Svec, et al., 1968 
C5ClMnO5~14.8?EIJunk, Svec, et al., 1968 
C5HMnO517.3?EISaalfeld, McDowell, et al., 1973 
C5IMnO516.2?EIJunk, Svec, et al., 1968 
C6H5IMnNOS16.57 ± 0.03?EIEfraty and Huang, 1980 
C7H7IMnNOS15.57 ± 0.07?EIEfraty and Huang, 1980 
C7H9F3MnO4PSi21.9?EISaalfeld, McDowell, et al., 1973 
C8H5MnO2S16.51 ± 0.042CO+CS+C5HEIEfraty, Huang, et al., 1975 
C8H5MnO315.32 ± 0.023CO+C5H5EIEfraty, Huang, et al., 1975 
C8H5MnO314.4 ± 0.5?EIMuller and Herberhold, 1968 
C8H9MnO5Si21.7?EISaalfeld, McDowell, et al., 1973 
C9H7MnO2S16.22 ± 0.022CO+CS+C6HEIEfraty, Huang, et al., 1975 
C9H7MnO316.33 ± 0.023CO+C6H7EIEfraty, Huang, et al., 1975 
C10H10Mn13.6 ± 0.3?EIMuller and D'Or, 1967 
C10MnO10Re25.67?EISvec and Junk, 1967 
C10Mn2O1022.13?EISvec and Junk, 1967 
C10Mn2O1020.8 ± 0.4?EIWinters and Kiser, 1965 
C11H11Mn14.1 ± 0.3?EIMuller and Goser, 1968 
C11H11Mn17.9?EIDenning and Wentworth, 1966 
C12H7MnO515.2 ± 0.3C7H7+5COEISimoes, Schultz, et al., 1985 
C12H10Mn2N2O2S226.71 ± 0.03?EIEfraty, Liebman, et al., 1978 
F2Mn13.0 ± 0.5?EIZmbov, Uy, et al., 1969 
F3Mn19.5 ± 0.5?EIZmbov and Margrave, 1967 


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Junk, Svec, et al., 1968
Junk, G.A.; Svec, H.J.; Angelici, R.J., Electron impact studies of manganese and rhenium pentacarbonyl halides, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1968, 90, 5758. [all data]

Saalfeld, McDowell, et al., 1973
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Efraty and Huang, 1980
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Efraty, Huang, et al., 1975
Efraty, A.; Huang, M.H.A.; Weston, C.A., Mass spectra of organometallic compounds. V. Electron-impact study of the cyclopentadienylmanganese thiocarbonyl and carbonyl complexes RC5H4Mn(CO)2CX [R=H, CH3; X = S, O], Inorg. Chem., 1975, 14, 2796. [all data]

Muller and Herberhold, 1968
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Muller and D'Or, 1967
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Svec and Junk, 1967
Svec, H.J.; Junk, G.A., Energetics of the ionization and dissociation of Mn2(CO)10, Re2(CO)10, and ReMn(CO)10, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1967, 89, 2836. [all data]

Winters and Kiser, 1965
Winters, R.E.; Kiser, R.W., Ions produced by electron impact with the dimetallic carbonyls of cobalt and manganese, J. Phys. Chem., 1965, 69, 1618. [all data]

Muller and Goser, 1968
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Denning and Wentworth, 1966
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Simoes, Schultz, et al., 1985
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Efraty, Liebman, et al., 1978
Efraty, A.; Liebman, D.; Huang, M.H.A.; Weston, C.A.; Angelici, R.J., Mass spectra of organometallic compounds. 7. Electron-impact study of some cyclopentadienylmetal thiocarbonyl-bridged dimers, Inorg. Chem., 1978, 17, 2831. [all data]

Zmbov, Uy, et al., 1969
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Zmbov and Margrave, 1967
Zmbov, K.F.; Margrave, J.L., Mass spectrometric studies at high temperatures. XV.Sublimation pressures of chromium, manganese and iron trifluoridcs and the heat of dissociation of Fe,F,(g), J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 1967, 29, 673. [all data]


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