C3H9Si+ (structure unspecified)

Gas phase ion energetics data

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Reactions leading to C3H9Si+ (ion structure unspecified)

Precursor AP (eV) Other Products Method Reference Comment
C3H9BrSi10.51 ± 0.01BrPIPECOSzepes and Baer, 1984T = 298K
C3H9BrSi10.70 ± 0.01BrPIPECOSzepes and Baer, 1984T = 0K
C3H9BrSi10.70 ± 0.01BrPIPECOSzepes and Baer, 1984, 2 
C3H9BrSi10.5 ± 0.1BrEIBand, Davidson, et al., Commun. 1967 
C3H9BrSi10.69 ± 0.06BrEIHess, Lampe, et al., 1965 
C3H9ClSi11.6 ± 0.1ClEIPotzinger, Ritter, et al., 1975 
C3H9ClSi10.9 ± 0.1ClEIBand, Davidson, et al., Commun. 1967 
C3H9ClSi11.5 ± 0.2ClEIConnor, Finney, et al., 1966 
C3H9ClSi12.40 ± 0.06ClEIHess, Lampe, et al., 1965 
C3H9ClSi12.42 ± 0.03ClEIHess, Lampe, et al., 1964 
C3H9FSi11.7 ± 0.5F-?EIHess, Lampe, et al., 1965 
C3H9ISi9.87 ± 0.01IPIPECOSzepes and Baer, 1984T = 0K
C3H9ISi9.68 ± 0.01IPIPECOSzepes and Baer, 1984T = 298K
C3H9ISi9.87 ± 0.01IPIPECOSzepes and Baer, 1984, 2T = 0K
C3H9ISi10.1 ± 0.1IEIBand, Davidson, et al., Commun. 1967 
C3H10Si10.24 ± 0.05HPIShin, Corderman, et al., 1990 
C3H10Si10.5 ± 0.1HEIPotzinger, Ritter, et al., 1975 
C3H10Si10.52 ± 0.05HEIPotzinger and Lampe, 1970 
C3H10Si10.6 ± 0.1HEIBand, Davidson, et al., Commun. 1967 
C3H10Si10.7 ± 0.1HEIConnor, Finney, et al., 1966 
C3H10Si10.78 ± 0.07HEIHess, Lampe, et al., 1964 
C3H12Si29.7 ± 0.1SiH3EIPotzinger, Ritter, et al., 1975 
C4H12OSi12.43 ± 0.18?EIHess, Lampe, et al., 1965 
C4H12Si10.09 ± 0.01CH3PIPECOSzepes and Baer, 1984T = 298K
C4H12Si10.28 ± 0.01CH3PIPECOSzepes and Baer, 1984T = 0K
C4H12Si10.28 ± 0.01CH3PIPECOSzepes and Baer, 1984, 2T = 0K
C4H12Si10.03 ± 0.04CH3PIMurphy and Beauchamp, 1977 
C4H12Si10.3 ± 0.1CH3EIPotzinger, Ritter, et al., 1975 
C4H12Si10.63 ± 0.05CH3EIMacLean and Sacher, 1974 
C4H12Si10.53 ± 0.20CH3EILappert, Pedley, et al., 1971 
C4H12Si10.25 ± 0.05CH3EIPotzinger and Lampe, 1970 
C4H12Si10.09 ± 0.02CH3PIDistefano, 1970 
C4H12Si10.53 ± 0.20CH3EILappert, Simpson, et al., 1969 
C4H12Si10.4 ± 0.1CH3EIBand, Davidson, et al., Commun. 1967 
C4H12Si10.5 ± 0.1CH3EIConnor, Finney, et al., 1966 
C4H12Si10.63 ± 0.13CH3EIHess, Lampe, et al., 1964 
C4H14Si210.1 ± 0.1CH3SiH2EIPotzinger, Ritter, et al., 1975 
C5H12Si11.C2H3EISmolinsky and Vasile, 1973 
C5H14Si10.0 ± 0.1C2H5EIPotzinger, Ritter, et al., 1975 
C5H14Si10.34 ± 0.11?EIConnor, Finney, et al., 1966 
C5H14Si10.53 ± 0.09?EIHess, Lampe, et al., 1964 
C5H16Si210.2 ± 0.1(CH3)2SiHEIPotzinger, Ritter, et al., 1975 
C6H16Si10.56 ± 0.16?EIHess, Lampe, et al., 1964 
C6H17NSi9.76C3H8NPILoguinov, Takhistov, et al., 1981 
C6H17NSi9.76C3H8NPIAkopyan, Vilesov, et al., 1975 
C6H18GeSi10.19 ± 0.12(CH3)3GeEILappert, Pedley, et al., 1971 
C6H18GeSi10.19 ± 0.12?EILappert, Simpson, et al., 1969 
C6H18HgSi28.6 ± 0.1?EIConnor, Finney, et al., 1966 
C6H18OSi215.4 ± 0.2?EIBorossay, Csakvari, et al., 1971 
C6H18OSi215.36 ± 0.13?EIHess, Lampe, et al., 1965 
C6H18SiSn10.18 ± 0.26(CH3)3SnEILappert, Pedley, et al., 1971 
C6H18SiSn10.18 ± 0.26?EILappert, Simpson, et al., 1969 
C6H18Si29.8 ± 0.1C3H9SiPIPECOSzepes and Baer, 1984T = 0K
C6H18Si29.9(CH3)3SiEIPotzinger, Ritter, et al., 1975 
C6H18Si210.22 ± 0.18(CH3)3SiEILappert, Pedley, et al., 1971 
C6H18Si210.22 ± 0.18?EILappert, Simpson, et al., 1969 
C6H18Si210.0 ± 0.1?EIBand, Davidson, et al., Commun. 1967 
C6H18Si210.0 ± 0.1?EIConnor, Finney, et al., 1966 
C6H18Si210.69 ± 0.04?EIHess, Lampe, et al., 1964 
C7H18Si10.53 ± 0.09?EIHess, Lampe, et al., 1964 
C7H19NSi12.61 ± 0.03?EIHess, Lampe, et al., 1965 
C7H20Si210.1 ± 0.1?EIDavidson and Stephenson, 1967 
C8H9MnO5Si9.81 ± 0.11?EIHarris and Spalding, 1980 
C8H24O2Si315.8 ± 0.2?EIBorossay, Csakvari, et al., 1971 
C9H14SSi10.2 ± 0.1?EIDistefano, Ricci, et al., 1974 
C9H24O2Si315.4 ± 0.2?EIBorossay, Csakvari, et al., 1971 
C9H26O2Si315.3 ± 0.2?EIBorossay, Csakvari, et al., 1971 
C10H16Si10.1 ± 0.1?EIConnor, Finney, et al., 1966 
C11H20Si210.08 ± 0.09C6H5Si(CH3EIGaidis, Briggs, et al., 1971 
C16H22Si211.04 ± 0.03(C6H5)2SiCEIGaidis, Briggs, et al., 1971 
C16H22Si210.59 ± 0.03?EIGaidis, Briggs, et al., 1971 
C21H24Si210.83 ± 0.09(C6H5)3SiEIGaidis, Briggs, et al., 1971 


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Szepes and Baer, 1984
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