C3H3+ (structure unspecified)

Gas phase ion energetics data

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Reactions leading to C3H3+ (ion structure unspecified)

Precursor AP (eV) Other Products Method Reference Comment
C3H3Br10.88BrEIHolmes and Lossing, 1979 
C3H3Br10.90BrEIHolmes and Lossing, 1979 
C3H3Br11.1 ± 0.2BrEICoats and Anderson, 1957 
C3H3Cl11.00ClEIHolmes and Lossing, 1979 
C3H3Cl10.98ClEIHolmes and Lossing, 1979 
C3H3Cl11.0 ± 0.2ClEICoats and Anderson, 1957 
C3H3I10.70IEIHolmes and Lossing, 1979 
C3H3I10.50IEIHolmes and Lossing, 1979 
C3H410.3 ± 0.1HTEParr, Jason, et al., 1980 
C3H410.59 ± 0.04HPIParr, Jason, et al., 1980 
C3H410.9 ± 0.1HEIRothgery, Holt, et al., 1975 
C3H410.54HEILossing, 1972 
C3H411.60 ± 0.01HPIStockbauer and Rosenstock, 1978 
C3H411.48 ± 0.02?TEParr, Jason, et al., 1978 
C3H411.47HEILossing, 1972 
C3H411.48HPIMatthews and Warneck, 1969 
C3H411.48 ± 0.02HPIParr and Elder, 1968 
C3H411.58 ± 0.04HPIParr, Jason, et al., 1979 
C3H411.2 ± 0.1HTEParr, Jason, et al., 1979 
C3H411.60HEILossing, 1972 
C3H411.56 ± 0.03HPIMatthews and Warneck, 1969 
C3H411.55 ± 0.02HPIParr and Elder, 1968 
C3H411.9 ± 0.1HEIGil'burd, Syrvatka, et al., 1967 
C3H5Cl13.37 ± 0.08?PIBuff, Parr, et al., 1981 
C3H614.21 ± 0.09H2+HEISelim, 1980 
C3H613.19 ± 0.05H2+HPIKrassig, Reinke, et al., 1974 
C3H614.3 ± 0.5H2+HEIPeers and Vigny, 1968 
C3H614.21H2+HEIOmura, 1962 
C3H612.1 ± 0.1H2+H(-)PIKrassig, Reinke, et al., 1974 
C3H612.9 ± 0.1H2+HPIKrassig, Reinke, et al., 1974 
C3H613.7 ± 0.1H2+HEIHarrison and Tait, 1962 
C3H6BrNO13.80?EIDay, Gowenlock, et al., 1978 
C3H6ClNO14.35?EIDay, Gowenlock, et al., 1978 
C3H6N2O314.05?EIDay, Gowenlock, et al., 1978 
C3H6S15.9 ± 0.2?EIHobrock and Kiser, 1962 
C3H6S15.3 ± 0.4?EIGallegos and Kiser, 1962 
C3H817. ± 1.?PIAu, Cooper, et al., 1993 
C3H8O15.6?EIFriedman, Long, et al., 1957 
C4H4O12.10 ± 0.10CHOPEWillett and Baer, 1980 
C4H4O12.8 ± 0.1CHOCEMSTedder and Vidaud, 1980 
C4H4O11.55 ± 0.10CHOPEWillett and Baer, 1980 
C4H4S13.0 ± 0.2CHSCEMSTedder and Vidaud, 1980 
C4H4S13.06 ± 0.05CHSPEButler and Baer, 1980 
C4H4S12.8 ± 0.2?EIKhvostenko, 1962 
C4H5N12.10?PIWillett and Baer, 1980, 2 
C4H5N12.60?PIWillett and Baer, 1980, 2 
C4H5N12.30?PIWillett and Baer, 1980, 2 
C4H5N11.80?PIWillett and Baer, 1980, 2 
C4H611.3 ± 0.1CH3EIDannacher, Flamme, et al., 1980 
C4H611.39 ± 0.03CH3PIMatthews and Warneck, 1969 
C4H611.40 ± 0.02CH3PIParr and Elder, 1968 
C4H611.35 ± 0.05CH3PIBrehm, 1966 
C4H611.7CH3EISenSharma and Franklin, 1973 
C4H610.84CH3EILossing, 1972 
C4H610.1 ± 0.1CH3PIBombach, Dannacher, et al., 1983 
C4H611.04CH3EILossing, 1972 
C4H610.86 ± 0.04CH3PIParr and Elder, 1968 
C4H6O13.5 ± 0.3?EIWada and Kiser, 1962 
C4H814.07 ± 0.10H2+CH3PIPECOVan der Meij, Van Eck, et al., 1989 
C4H813.82?EIOmura, 1961 
C4H814.8?EIHughes and Tiernan, 1969 
C4H813.75?EIOmura, 1961 
C4H8O18.7 ± 0.6?EIGallegos and Kiser, 1962 
C4H8O215.9 ± 0.4?EIWada and Kiser, 1962 
C4H8S16.5 ± 0.4?EIHobrock and Kiser, 1963 
C4H8S17.2 ± 0.2?EIGallegos and Kiser, 1962 
C4H9N18.9 ± 0.4?EIGallegos and Kiser, 1962 
C4H10S21.0 ± 0.5?EIHobrock and Kiser, 1963 
C4H10S18.4 ± 0.5?EIHobrock and Kiser, 1962, 2 
C5H5N14.00 ± 0.10?EIMomigny, Urbain, et al., 1965 
C5H6S13.4 ± 0.3?EIBogolyubov, Plotnikov, et al., 1969 
C5H6S13.4 ± 0.3?EIBogolyubov, Plotnikov, et al., 1969 
C5H814.09 ± 0.15C2H4+HEIPuttemans and Delvaux, 1973 
C5H813.46 ± 0.15C2H4+HEIPuttemans and Delvaux, 1973 
C5H815.16 ± 0.02?EIFranklin and Mogenis, 1967 
C5H814.55 ± 0.15C2H4+HEIPuttemans and Delvaux, 1973 
C5H1217.08?EILampe and Field, 1959 
C6H5F15.13 ± 0.13C3H2FPIPECONishimura, Meisels, et al., 1991 
C6H5F14.3 ± 0.1?EIMomigny, 1959 
C6H5NO212.63 ± 0.15C2H2+CO+NOPIPECONishimura, Das, et al., 1986 
C6H614.57?EIMomigny, Brakier, et al., 1962 
C6H612.05?EIMomigny, Brakier, et al., 1962 
C6H611.99?EIMomigny, Brakier, et al., 1962 
C6H6≤11.8C3H3PIDannacher, Stadelmann, et al., 1981 
C6H612.20?EIMomigny, Brakier, et al., 1962 
C6H612.17?EIMomigny, Brakier, et al., 1962 
C6H613.43?LSKuhlewind, Kiermeier, et al., 1986 
C6H615.34 ± 0.06C3H3EISelim, 1976 
C6H616.90C3H3PEEland, Frey, et al., 1976 
C6H613.79C3H3PIRosenstock, Larkins, et al., 1973 
C6H614.7 ± 0.1?EILifshitz and Reuben, 1969 
C6H6O10.40 ± 0.05HCðCH2OEIHolmes and Lossing, 1984 
C6H6S20.0 ± 0.3?EIGal'perin, Bogolyubov, et al., 1969 
C6H814.87 ± 0.10?EIFranklin and Carroll, 1969 
C6H815.20 ± 0.10?EIFranklin and Carroll, 1969 
C6H814.65 ± 0.10C2H2+CH3?EIFranklin and Carroll, 1969 
C6H8S15.2 ± 0.3?EIBogolyubov, Plotnikov, et al., 1969 
C6H8S14.8 ± 0.3?EIBogolyubov, Plotnikov, et al., 1969 
C6H9N15.2?EIPlotnikov, Bogolyubov, et al., 1969 
C6H1013.45 ± 0.18?EIWinters and Collins, 1969 
C6H1013.24 ± 0.32?EIWinters and Collins, 1969 
C6H1013.44 ± 0.20?EIWinters and Collins, 1969 
C6H1012.98 ± 0.19?EIWinters and Collins, 1969 
C6H1011.99 ± 0.18?EIWinters and Collins, 1969 
C6H1014.92 ± 0.03?EIFranklin and Mogenis, 1967 
C6H1013.23 ± 0.21?EIWinters and Collins, 1969 
C7H1213.90 ± 0.13?EIWinters and Collins, 1968 
C7H1214.03 ± 0.09?EIWinters and Collins, 1968 
C7H1212.53 ± 0.12?EIWinters and Collins, 1968 
C7H1214.02 ± 0.15?EIWinters and Collins, 1968 
C7H1213.85 ± 0.08?EIWinters and Collins, 1968 
C7H1214.06 ± 0.13?EIWinters and Collins, 1968 
C8H5MnO320.3 ± 0.4?EIWinters and Kiser, 1965 
C8H814.90 ± 0.10?EIFranklin and Carroll, 1969, 2 
C8H811.87 ± 0.15?EIFranklin and Carroll, 1969, 2 
C8H811.95 ± 0.10?EIFranklin and Carroll, 1969, 2 
C8H810.01 ± 0.10?EIFranklin and Carroll, 1969, 2 
C8H813.64 ± 0.25?EIFranklin and Carroll, 1969, 2 
C8H813.40 ± 0.10?EIFranklin and Carroll, 1969, 2 
C8H814.16 ± 0.15?EIFranklin and Carroll, 1969, 2 
C8H12N4O213.90?EIDay, Gowenlock, et al., 1978 
C8H13N18.6?EIPlotnikov, Bogolyubov, et al., 1969 
C8H1426.5 ± 0.1?EIFranklin and Mogenis, 1967 
C9H5O4V13.5 ± 0.3?EIWinters and Kiser, 1965 
C10H819.35?PIJochims, Rasekh, et al., 1993 
C10H819.2 ± 0.1C3H3+C4H2PIJochims, Rasekh, et al., 1992 
C10H10Cl2Ti18.0 ± 0.5?EIDillard and Kiser, 1969 
C10H10Cl2Zr19.5 ± 0.4?EIDillard and Kiser, 1969 
C10H18N2O614.30?EIDay, Gowenlock, et al., 1978 


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Holmes and Lossing, 1979
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