Boric acid

Gas phase thermochemistry data

Go To: Top, Condensed phase thermochemistry data, Phase change data, Gas phase ion energetics data, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δfgas-237.16kcal/molReviewChase, 1998Data last reviewed in December, 1964
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
gas,1 bar70.562cal/mol*KReviewChase, 1998Data last reviewed in December, 1964

Gas Phase Heat Capacity (Shomate Equation)

Cp° = A + B*t + C*t2 + D*t3 + E/t2
H° − H°298.15= A*t + B*t2/2 + C*t3/3 + D*t4/4 − E/t + F − H
S° = A*ln(t) + B*t + C*t2/2 + D*t3/3 − E/(2*t2) + G
    Cp = heat capacity (cal/mol*K)
    H° = standard enthalpy (kcal/mol)
    S° = standard entropy (cal/mol*K)
    t = temperature (K) / 1000.

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Temperature (K) 298. to 1200.1200. to 6000.
A 5.47754129.54849
B 43.506502.693841
C -30.05540-0.513892
D 8.2905100.034053
E -0.034766-4.982491
F -240.5949-256.9560
G 65.2849991.63760
H -237.1600-237.1600
ReferenceChase, 1998Chase, 1998
Comment Data last reviewed in December, 1964 Data last reviewed in December, 1964

Condensed phase thermochemistry data

Go To: Top, Gas phase thermochemistry data, Phase change data, Gas phase ion energetics data, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δfsolid-261.7 ± 0.2kcal/molReviewCox, Wagman, et al., 1984CODATA Review value
Δfsolid-261.470kcal/molReviewChase, 1998Data last reviewed in December, 1964
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
solid,1 bar21.50 ± 0.14cal/mol*KReviewCox, Wagman, et al., 1984CODATA Review value
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
solid21.20cal/mol*KReviewChase, 1998Data last reviewed in December, 1964

Solid Phase Heat Capacity (Shomate Equation)

Cp° = A + B*t + C*t2 + D*t3 + E/t2
H° − H°298.15= A*t + B*t2/2 + C*t3/3 + D*t4/4 − E/t + F − H
S° = A*ln(t) + B*t + C*t2/2 + D*t3/3 − E/(2*t2) + G
    Cp = heat capacity (cal/mol*K)
    H° = standard enthalpy (kcal/mol)
    S° = standard entropy (cal/mol*K)
    t = temperature (K) / 1000.

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Temperature (K) 298. to 1500.
A 9.757161
B 46.66099
C -20.70950
D 3.250980
E -0.219822
F -267.0179
G 18.75030
H -261.4699
ReferenceChase, 1998
Comment Data last reviewed in December, 1964

Phase change data

Go To: Top, Gas phase thermochemistry data, Condensed phase thermochemistry data, Gas phase ion energetics data, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: William E. Acree, Jr., James S. Chickos

Enthalpy of sublimation

ΔsubH (kcal/mol) Temperature (K) Method Reference Comment
41.6 ± 1.1345.GSPankajavalli, Anthonysamy, et al., 2007Based on data from 326. to 363. K.

Gas phase ion energetics data

Go To: Top, Gas phase thermochemistry data, Condensed phase thermochemistry data, Phase change data, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data evaluated by: Edward P. Hunter and Sharon G. Lias

Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Proton affinity (review)174.0kcal/molN/AHunter and Lias, 1998 
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Gas basicity166.9kcal/molN/AHunter and Lias, 1998 

Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels

Go To: Top, Gas phase thermochemistry data, Condensed phase thermochemistry data, Phase change data, Gas phase ion energetics data, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Marilyn E. Jacox

State:   X

 No.   Approximate 
 type of mode 
 cm-1   Med.   Method   References

a' 1 OH stretch 3705 gas Ra Gilson, 1991
2 BOH deform. 1020 gas Ra Gilson, 1991
3 BO stretch 866 gas Ra Gilson, 1991
a 4 BO3 OPLA 666.4 Ar IR Andrews and Burkholder, 1992
4 BO3 OPLA 675.0 N2 IR Ogden and Young, 1988
5 Torsion 436.0 Ar IR Andrews and Burkholder, 1992
5 Torsion 513.8 N2 IR Ogden and Young, 1988
e' 6 OH stretch 3706 gas IR Gilson, 1991
6 OH stretch 3688.6 Ar IR Andrews and Burkholder, 1992
6 OH stretch 3668.5 N2 IR Ogden and Young, 1988
7 BO stretch 1429 gas IR Gilson, 1991
7 BO stretch 1414.9 Ar IR Andrews and Burkholder, 1992
7 BO stretch 1426.2 N2 IR Ogden and Young, 1988
8 HOB deform. 1017 gas IR Gilson, 1991
8 HOB deform. 992.4 Ar IR Andrews and Burkholder, 1992
8 HOB deform. 1009.9 N2 IR Ogden and Young, 1988
9 BO2 deform. 432.1 Ar IR Andrews and Burkholder, 1992
9 BO2 deform. 448.9 N2 IR Ogden and Young, 1988
e 10 HOB deform. 520 ± 5 Ar IR Andrews and Burkholder, 1992

Additional references: Jacox, 1998, page 326


Go To: Top, Gas phase thermochemistry data, Condensed phase thermochemistry data, Phase change data, Gas phase ion energetics data, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Chase, 1998
Chase, M.W., Jr., NIST-JANAF Themochemical Tables, Fourth Edition, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Monograph 9, 1998, 1-1951. [all data]

Cox, Wagman, et al., 1984
Cox, J.D.; Wagman, D.D.; Medvedev, V.A., CODATA Key Values for Thermodynamics, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, 1984, 1. [all data]

Pankajavalli, Anthonysamy, et al., 2007
Pankajavalli, R.; Anthonysamy, S.; Ananthasivan, K.; Vasudeva Rao, P.R., Vapour pressure and standard enthalpy of sublimation of H3BO3, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2007, 362, 1, 128-131, . [all data]

Hunter and Lias, 1998
Hunter, E.P.; Lias, S.G., Evaluated Gas Phase Basicities and Proton Affinities of Molecules: An Update, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1998, 27, 3, 413-656, . [all data]

Gilson, 1991
Gilson, T.R., J. Chem. Soc., 1991, Dalton Trans. 2463. [all data]

Andrews and Burkholder, 1992
Andrews, L.; Burkholder, T.R., Infrared spectra of molecular B(OH)3 and HOBO in solid argon, J. Chem. Phys., 1992, 97, 10, 7203, . [all data]

Ogden and Young, 1988
Ogden, J.S.; Young, N.A., J. Chem. Soc., 1988, Dalton Trans. 1645. [all data]

Jacox, 1998
Jacox, M.E., Vibrational and electronic energy levels of polyatomic transient molecules: supplement A, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1998, 27, 2, 115-393, . [all data]


Go To: Top, Gas phase thermochemistry data, Condensed phase thermochemistry data, Phase change data, Gas phase ion energetics data, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, References