Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Marilyn E. Jacox

State:   A

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

To = 20546.43 ± 0.04 gas A-X 416 604 Maier and Misev, 1984
King, Maier, et al., 1984
Fulara, Klapstein, et al., 1986

 No.   Approximate 
 type of mode 
 cm-1   Med.   Method   References

Σ+ 1 CD stretch 2548 ± 3 gas LF Maier and Misev, 1984
2 CC stretch 1939 ± 3 gas LF Maier and Misev, 1984
3 CBr stretch 484 ± 2 gas LF EF Maier and Misev, 1984
Fulara, Klapstein, et al., 1986
Π 4 CCD bend 488 ± 3 gas LF Maier and Misev, 1984
5 CCBr bend 200 ± 3 gas LF Maier and Misev, 1984

State:   X

 No.   Approximate 
 type of mode 
 cm-1   Med.   Method   References

Σ+ 1 CD stretch 2482 ± 2 gas EF Fulara, Klapstein, et al., 1986
2 CC stretch 1866 ± 2 gas EF Fulara, Klapstein, et al., 1986
3 CBr stretch 658 ± 2 gas EF Fulara, Klapstein, et al., 1986
Π 4 CCD bend 544 ± 10 gas EF Fulara, Klapstein, et al., 1986
5 CCBr bend 258 ± 10 gas EF Fulara, Klapstein, et al., 1986


oEnergy separation between the v = 0 levels of the excited and electronic ground states.


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Maier and Misev, 1984
Maier, J.P.; Misev, L., J. Chem. Soc., 1984, Faraday Trans. 2, 80, 43. [all data]

King, Maier, et al., 1984
King, M.A.; Maier, J.P.; Misev, L.; Ochsner, M., Rotational analysis of the laser excitation spectra of the bromoacetylene and deuterobromoacetylene cations, Can. J. Phys., 1984, 62, 12, 1437, https://doi.org/10.1139/p84-191 . [all data]

Fulara, Klapstein, et al., 1986
Fulara, J.; Klapstein, D.; Kuhn, R.; Maier, J.P., Emission spectra of supersonically cooled haloacetylene cations: X-C.tplbond.C-H(D)+, X = Br, I, J. Phys. Chem., 1986, 90, 10, 2061, https://doi.org/10.1021/j100401a018 . [all data]


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