Species with data from:

Zhou, M.; Jin, X.; Li, J., Reactions of Cerium Atoms and Dicerium Molecules with CO: Formation of Cerium Carbonyls and Photoconversion to CO-Activated Insertion Molecules, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2006, 110, 34, 10206, https://doi.org/10.1021/jp062073w .

6 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. cyc-C(Ce2)O (CCe2O)
  2. bicyc-Ce2CO (CCe2O)
  3. Ce(CO)2 (C2CeO2)
  4. CeCO- (CCeO-)
  5. CCeO (CCeO)
  6. CeCO (CCeO)