Species with data from:

Türler, A.; Eichler, B.; Jost, D.T.; Piguet, D.; Gäggeler, H.W.; Gregorich, K.E.; Kadkhodayan, B.; Kreek, S.A.; Lee, D.M.; Mohar, M.; Sylwester, E.; Hoffman, D.C.; Hübener, S., On-line Gas Phase Chromatography with Chlorides of Niobium and Hahnium (Element 105), Radiochimca Acta, 1996, 73, 2, 55-66, https://doi.org/10.1524/ract.1996.73.2.55 .

5 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. niobium pentachloride (Cl5Nb)
  2. niobium pentabromide (Br5Nb)
  3. Niobium trichloride oxide (Cl3NbO)
  4. tantalum pentabromide (Br5Ta)
  5. Hahnium(V) oxychloride