Species with data from:

Simmons, R.L., Thermochemistry of NENA plasticizers, Int. Annu. Conf. ICT, 25th, 1994, 1-10.

7 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. N-Nitrobis(2-hydroxyethyl)-amine dinitrate (C4H8N4O8)
  2. 2-(methylnitroamino)ethyl nitrate (C3H7N3O5)
  3. Ethanol, 2-(butylnitroamino)-, nitrate (C6H13N3O5)
  4. N-Pentyl 2-nitrato ethyl nitramine (C7H15N3O5)
  5. 2-(nitropropylamino)ethyl nitrate (C5H11N3O5)
  6. 2-(ethylnitroamino)ethyl nitrate (C4H9N3O5)
  7. 1,5-Diazido-3-nitrazapentane (C4H8N8O2)