Species with data from:

Li, S.; Van Zee, R.J.; Weltner, W., Jr., Far-infrared spectra of small gallium phosphide, arsenide, and antimonide molecules in rare-gas matrixes at 4 K, J. Phys. Chem., 1993, 97, 44, 11393, https://doi.org/10.1021/j100146a009 .

6 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. Ga2As (AsGa2)
  2. cyc-GaP2 (GaP2)
  3. Ga2P (Ga2P)
  4. cyc-GaAs2 (As2Ga)
  5. Ga2Sb (Ga2Sb)
  6. GaSb2 (GaSb2)