Species with data from:

Kaminski, M.; Zielenkiewicz, W., Enthalpies of Sublimationa dn Vapor Pressures of 8-Alkyl Derivatives of 9-Methyladenine, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci., Chem., 1987, 35, 583.

6 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. 8,9-Dimethyladenine (C7H9N5)
  2. 8-Ethyl-9-methyladenine (C8H11N5)
  3. 8-Propyl-9-methyladenine (C9H13N5)
  4. 8-Butyl-9-methyladenine (C10H15N5)
  5. 9-methyl-8-propyladenine (C9H13N5)
  6. 8-butyl-9-methyladenine (C10H15N5)