Species with data from:

Andreocci, M.V.; Bossa, M.; diCastro, V.; Furlani, C.; Mattogno, G.; Roesky, H.W., Electronic structure of S3N2 ring derivatives: A photoelectron spectroscopy study, Gazz. Chim. Ital., 1980, 110, 1.

3 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

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  1. 1,2,4,3,5-Trithia(4-siv)diazole, 1-[[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imino]-1,1-dihydro- (CF3N3O2S4)
  2. 1,2,4,3,5-Trithia(4-siv)-diazole, 1-[(fluorosulphonyl)imino]-1,1-dihydro- (FN3O2S4)
  3. 1,2,4,3,5-Trithia(4-s(iv))diazole, 1-(trichloroacetyl)imino]-1,1-dihydro- (C2Cl3N3OS3)