Species with data from:

Lebedev, N.K.; Lebedev, B.V.; Khotimskii, V.S.; Durgar'yan, S.G., The calorimetric study of vinylbenzyldimethylsilane, polyvinylbenzyldimethylsilane and the process of vinylbenzyldimethylsilane polymerization in the region 9 to 330 K, Vysokomol. Soedin., Ser., 1979, A 21, 1031-1036.

2 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

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  1. Benzyl(ethenyl)dimethylsilane (C11H16Si)
  2. Polyvinyldimethylbenzylsilane (C11H16Si)n