Copper dimer

Constants of diatomic molecules

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Klaus P. Huber and Gerhard H. Herzberg

Data collected through December, 1974

Symbols used in the table of constants
State electronic state and / or symmetry symbol
Te minimum electronic energy (cm-1)
ωe vibrational constant – first term (cm-1)
ωexe vibrational constant – second term (cm-1)
ωeye vibrational constant – third term (cm-1)
Be rotational constant in equilibrium position (cm-1)
αe rotational constant – first term (cm-1)
γe rotation-vibration interaction constant (cm-1)
De centrifugal distortion constant (cm-1)
βe rotational constant – first term, centrifugal force (cm-1)
re internuclear distance (Å)
Trans. observed transition(s) corresponding to electronic state
ν00 position of 0-0 band (units noted in table)
Diatomic constants for 63Cu2
Additional band systems attributed to Cu2 in the regions 34500 - 37000, 39000 - 40100, and 40600 - 42900 cm-1. No analysis.
Ruamps, 1959
B 1Σ+ 21758.35 [242.15] Z 2.0 H -0.02 0.098890 0.000606  6.30E-08  2.3276 B ↔ X R 21747.88 Z
missing citation; Ruamps, 1954; Aslund, Barrow, et al., 1965; Pesic and Weniger, 1971; Rao and Lakshman, 1971
A (1Πu) 20433.2 191.9 H 0.348 -0.018 (0.08185) (0.00062)  (0.000000038)  (2.5584) A ↔ X R 20396.0 H
missing citation; Ruamps, 1954; Aslund, Barrow, et al., 1965; Pesic and Weniger, 1971, 2
X 1Σ+ 0 [264.55] Z 1.025 H 0.0008 0.108743 0.000614  7.16E-08  2.2197  


1Thermochemical value (mass-spectrom.) Drowart and Honig, 1956, Schissel, 1957, Ackerman, Stafford, et al., 1960, recalculated Smoes, Mandy, et al., 1972.
2Experimental value by Cabaud, 1972, quoted in an ab initio study of Cu2 and Cu2+ by Joyes and Leleyter, 1973. No details.


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Ruamps, 1959
Ruamps, P.J., Production et etude du spectre optique de molecules diatomiques de metaux et contribution au calcul theorique des intensites, Ann. Phys. (Paris), 1959, 4, 1111. [all data]

Ruamps, 1954
Ruamps, J., Spectre d'emission des molecules Cu2, Ag2, et Au2, Compt. Rend., 1954, 238, 1489. [all data]

Aslund, Barrow, et al., 1965
Aslund, N.; Barrow, R.F.; Richards, W.G.; Travis, D.N., Rotational analysis of bands of the B-X system of Cu2 and of the A-X system of Bi2, Ark. Fys., 1965, 30, 171. [all data]

Pesic and Weniger, 1971
Pesic, D.S.; Weniger, S., Etude de la structure de vibration du systeme B-X de la molecule 63Cu65Cu, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. B, 1971, 272, 46. [all data]

Rao and Lakshman, 1971
Rao, T.V.R.; Lakshman, S.V.J., RKRV curves, r-centroids and Franck-Condon factors for bands of the 63Cu2 molecule, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 1971, 11, 1157. [all data]

Pesic and Weniger, 1971, 2
Pesic, D.S.; Weniger, S., Analyse rotationnelle des bandes du systme A-X de 63Cu2, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. B, 1971, 273, 602. [all data]

Drowart and Honig, 1956
Drowart, J.; Honig, R.E., Mass spectrometric study of copper, silver, and gold, J. Chem. Phys., 1956, 25, 581. [all data]

Schissel, 1957
Schissel, P., Dissociation energies of Cu2, Ag2, and Au2, J. Chem. Phys., 1957, 26, 1276. [all data]

Ackerman, Stafford, et al., 1960
Ackerman, M.; Stafford, F.E.; Drowart, J., Mass spectrometric determination of the dissociation energies of the molecules AgAu, AgCu, and AuCu, J. Chem. Phys., 1960, 33, 1784. [all data]

Smoes, Mandy, et al., 1972
Smoes, S.; Mandy, F.; Vander Auwera-Mahieu, A.; Drowart, J., Determination by the mass spectrometric Knudsen cell method of the dissociation energies of the group IB chalcogenides, Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., 1972, 81, 45. [all data]

Cabaud, 1972
Cabaud, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Claude Bernard, Lyon, 1972, 0. [all data]

Joyes and Leleyter, 1973
Joyes, P.; Leleyter, M., Ab initio study of Cu2 and Cu2+, J. Phys. B:, 1973, 6, 150. [all data]


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