Species with data from:

Enderlin, M., Contribution a l'etude de la dissociabilite des oxydes organiques. Sur quelques transformations des tetraarylnaphtacenes et de leurs oxyde, Ann. Chim., 1938, 10, 5-116.

4 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

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  1. 5,6,11,12-Tetraphenylnaphthacene (C42H28)
  2. 5,12-Dihydro-5,6,11,12-tetraphenyl-5,12-epidioxy naphthacene (C42H28O2)
  3. Pseudooxytetraphenyl naphthacene (C42H28O2)
  4. Tetraphenylnaphthacene monoxide (C42H28O)