Species with data from:
Sinegovskaya, L.M.; Tatarinova, A.A.; Gusarova, N.K.; Trofimov, B.A., Photoelectron spectra of vinyl tellurides, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1991, 4, 935.
8 matching species were found.
For each matching species the following will be displayed:
- Chemical name
- Chemical formula
- Structure image (if available)
Click on the name to see more data.
- 1,1'-tellurobisethane (C4H10Te)
- Tellurium, dipropyl- (C6H14Te)
- Tellurium, dibutyl- (C8H18Te)
- Tellurium, diethenyl- (C4H6Te)
- Tellurium, bis(1-methylethyl)- (C6H14Te)
- Tellurium, ethenyl-(1-methylethyl)- (C5H10Te)
- Tellurium, butyl-ethenyl- (C6H12Te)
- Tellurium, methyl-ethenyl- (C3H6Te)