Species with data from:
Backer, H.J.; Strating, J., Synthesis of some aliphatic hydrocarbons crystallized in the pure state: II, Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 1940, 59, 933.
7 matching species were found.
For each matching species the following will be displayed:
- Chemical name
- Chemical formula
- Structure image (if available)
Click on the name to see more data.
- Octadecanoic acid (C18H36O2)
- Hexatriacontane (C36H74)
- Pentatriacontane (C35H72)
- Tetracontane (C40H82)
- Tritetracontane (C43H88)
- 18-Pentatriacontanone (C35H70O)
- 22-methyltritetracontane (C44H90)