Species with data from:

Sokolova, E.B.; Shebanova, M.P., Synthesis of Some Homologs of Cyclohexane of the Composition C15-C19 with A High Volume Heat of Combustion, Izvest. Vysshikh Ucheb.,Zavedenii, Khim. i. Khim. Tekhnol, 1960, 3, 1040-4.

3 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. Dodecane, 4,9-dipropyl- (C18H38)
  2. 5,10-dibutyltetradecane (C22H46)
  3. [1-(3-methylbutyl)-1,4-dimethylpentyl]cyclohexane (C18H36)