Copper monohydride

Constants of diatomic molecules

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Klaus P. Huber and Gerhard H. Herzberg

Data collected through January, 1975

Symbols used in the table of constants
State electronic state and / or symmetry symbol
Te minimum electronic energy (cm-1)
ωe vibrational constant – first term (cm-1)
ωexe vibrational constant – second term (cm-1)
ωeye vibrational constant – third term (cm-1)
Be rotational constant in equilibrium position (cm-1)
αe rotational constant – first term (cm-1)
γe rotation-vibration interaction constant (cm-1)
De centrifugal distortion constant (cm-1)
βe rotational constant – first term, centrifugal force (cm-1)
re internuclear distance (Å)
Trans. observed transition(s) corresponding to electronic state
ν00 position of 0-0 band (units noted in table)
Diatomic constants for 63CuH
D 1Π (44699) [1804.0] Z (55)  7.72 1 0.31  0.000476 6.8E-05 1.484 D ← X R 44651.2 Z
missing citation
d 3Πr (41000) 2 3 1760 3   [7.8] 3   [0.0010] 3  [1.48]  40920 4 3
Ringstrom, 1968
E 1Σ+ 39299 574 5 Z -3.6 6 -0.27 3.093 5 -0.036 6 -0.0048 0.00038 -0.000008 2.344 E ← X R 38626 5
Ringstrom, 1968
b Δ2 (28470) [1475] 7   [(6.7)] 7     [(1.59)] b ← X R (28250) 7
Ringstrom, 1966
e (3Π2) 2     [>6.22] 8     [<1.65]  >27958 4 8
Ringstrom, 1966
c 1 (28161) [1388.7] Z (85)  6.43 9 0.42    1.626 c ↔ X R 27957.5 Z
Heimer, 1935; Heimer, 1937; Ringstrom, 1966
C 1 27270.4 1627.3 Z 86.0 10  6.553 11 0.352 12  [0.000476] 12  1.6104 C ↔ X R 27101.3 Z
Heimer, 1935; Heimer, 1937; missing citation
a (3Σ+)     [(5.9)] 13       (26365) 4 13
Heimer, 1937; Ringstrom, 1966
B 3Π0+ 26420.9 1669.7 14 Z 51.2  6.582 0.290 14  [0.000405] 14  1.6069 B ↔ X R 26281.7 Z
Heimer and Heimer, 1933; Heimer, 1937; Ringstrom, 1966
A 1Σ+ 23434.2 1698.4 Z 44.0 15  6.874 16 0.263 15  0.000435 15 0.000022 1.5724 A ↔ X R 23311.1 Z
Heimer and Heimer, 1933; Heimer, 1937; Loginov, 1964; Ringstrom, 1966
X 1Σ+ 0 1941.26 Z 37.51 0.067 7.9441 0.2563 0.0015 0.000520 -7.3E-06 1.46263  


1Λ-type doubling Δνef = +0.047J(J+1); J < 15.
2A ~ +117.
3From perturbations in E 1Σ+; vibrational numbering uncertain.
4T0, referring to X 1Σ+(v=0).
5Lowest observed level is v=3. Numerous perturbations in v=4...11 by three levels of d 3Πr.
6missing note
7v=0,1 interact with v=1,2, respectively, of C 1. Deperturbed constants for v=1. (e levels) are B = 6.364, D = 7.6E-4.
8From a perturbation in v=0 of c 1.
9Deperturbed constants; v=0 interacts with Ω = 2(v=0), v=1 with B 3Π0+(v=2). Ω-type doubling Δνef(v=0) ~ +0.055J(J+1).
10ΔG(5/2) ~ 1100.
11Ω-type doubling; Δνef(v=0) ~ 0.022J(J+1) +...; Δνef(v=1) ~ 0.060J(J+1)+...; Δνef(v=2) ~ 0.095J(J+1) +... (deperturbed).
12Deperturbed constants; B2 = 5.47, B3 < 4.7. D0 refers to e levels, D1 ~ 3.2E-4, D2 = 6.8E-4. Perturbations by levels of b Δ2.
13From a perturbation in B 3Π0+(v=0). Very uncertain.
14Deperturbed constants; B2 = 5.83; D1 = 4.95E-4, D2 ~ 7.8E-4. Perturbations by levels of A 1Σ+, a (3Σ+), c 1.
15v= 2,3,4 perturbed by B 3Π0+(v=0,1,2). (Deperturbed) constants for v = 2, ..., 6 are Bv(v=2)=6.199, Dv(v=2) =4.92E-4cm-1, ΔG(v+1/2)(v=2)= 1427.0; Bv(v=3)=5.885, Dv(v=3)=5.22E-4cm-1, ΔG(v+1/2)(v=3)= 1319.7; Bv(v=4)=5.540, Dv(v=4)=6.3E-4cm-1, ΔG(v+1/2)(v=4)= 1166.8; Bv(v=5)=5.144, Dv(v=5)=7.39E-4cm-1, ΔG(v+1/2)(v=5)= 1020.5; Bv(v=6)=4.576, Dv(v=6)=8.8E-4cm-1.
16Predissociation above v=0, J=0 Herzberg and Mundie, 1940 caused by an unstable 3Σ+ state from Cu, 2S + H, 2S See also Kleman, 1953.
17Extrapolation of A 1Σ+ to the limit Cu(2D5/2) + H(2S). Predissociation in A 1Σ+ gives < 2.89 eV, flame photometry Bulewicz and Sugden, 1956 2.86eV.
18From a combination of Ringstrom's data for v=0, 1, 2 and Heimer's data for v=3, 4. ωeye= +0.067, γe= +0.0015.


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Ringstrom, 1968
Ringstrom, U., A new band system of copper hydride in the far ultraviolet, Can. J. Phys., 1968, 46, 2291. [all data]

Ringstrom, 1966
Ringstrom, U., On the spectra of copper hydride and copper deuteride, Ark. Fys., 1966, 32, 211. [all data]

Heimer, 1935
Heimer, T., Neue bandensysteme des kupferhydrids, Z. Phys., 1935, 95, 321. [all data]

Heimer, 1937
Heimer, A., Dissertation, Stockholm, 1937, 0. [all data]

Heimer and Heimer, 1933
Heimer, A.; Heimer, T., Uber das bandenspektrum des kupferhydrids, Z. Phys., 1933, 84, 222. [all data]

Loginov, 1964
Loginov, V.A., The production of electronic band spectra by the exploding wire method, Opt. Spectrosc. Engl. Transl., 1964, 16, 220, In original 402. [all data]

Herzberg and Mundie, 1940
Herzberg, G.; Mundie, L.G., On the predissociation of several diatomic molecules, J. Chem. Phys., 1940, 8, 263. [all data]

Kleman, 1953
Kleman, B., The intensity anomalies in the band-spectrum of CuH, Ark. Fys., 1953, 6, 17. [all data]

Bulewicz and Sugden, 1956
Bulewicz, E.M.; Sugden, T.M., Determination of the dissociation constants and heats of formation of molecules by flame photometry. Part 2. Heat of formation of gaseous cuprous hydride, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1956, 52, 1475. [all data]


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