Species with data from:

Gannon, D.J.; Parsonage, N.G., Thermodynamic properties of urea + hydrocarbon adducts from 12 to 300K. The heat capacities and entropies of the adducts of the 1-alkenes C12H24, C14H28, and C18H36, J. Chem. Thermodynam., 1972, 4, 745-753.

3 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

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  1. Urea-1-octadecene adduct (C2·H24·N16O8)
  2. Urea-1-tetradecene adduct (C2·H24·N18O9)
  3. Urea-1-dodecene adduct (C2·H12·N10O5)