Species with data from:

Wu, H.; Desai, R.; Wang, L.-S., Observation and Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study of Novel Mono- and Di-iron Oxide Molecules: FeOy- (y=1-4) and Fe2Oy- (y=1-5), J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1996, 118, 22, 5296, https://doi.org/10.1021/ja954153b .

23 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. iron oxide (FeO)
  2. Iron dioxide (FeO2)
  3. Indian red oxide (Fe2O3)
  4. cyc-(FeO)2 (Fe2O2)
  5. FeO2 radical anion (FeO2-)
  6. Fe2O radical (Fe2O)
  7. FeO3 radical (FeO3)
  8. (cyc-O2Fe)O2 (FeO4)
  9. Fe2O5 radical anion (Fe2O5-)
  10. Fe2O2 radical (Fe2O2)
  11. FeO4 radical (FeO4)
  12. OFeO- (FeO2-)
  13. FeOFe (Fe2O)
  14. FeO3 (FeO3)
  15. Fe2O5 (Fe2O5)
  16. Fe2O4 (Fe2O4)
  17. Fe2O2- (Fe2O2-)
  18. Fe2O5- (Fe2O5-)
  19. Fe2O3- (Fe2O3-)
  20. Fe2O4- (Fe2O4-)
  21. FeOFe- (Fe2O-)
  22. FeO3- (FeO3-)
  23. FeO4- (FeO4-)