Species with data from:

Fehlner, T.P.; Wu, M.; Meneghelli, B.J.; Rudolph, R.W., Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of thiaboranes, Inorg. Chem., 1980, 19, 49.

8 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. 1,12-Dicarbadodecaborane(12) (C2H12B10)
  2. 1,10-Dicarbadecaborane(10) (C2H10B8)
  3. 1-Thiadecaborane(9),10-methyl- (CH11B9S)
  4. 1-Thiadecaborane(9),10-bromo- (B9BrH8S)
  5. 1-Thiadecaborane(9), 6-bromo- (B9BrH8S)
  6. 1-Thiadodecaborane(11) (B11H11S)
  7. 6-Thiadecaborane(11) (B9H11S)
  8. 1-Thiadecaborane(9) (B9H9S)