Species with data from:

Damrauer, R.; Krempp, M., Gas Phase Ion-Molecule Chemistry of Methoxy-Substituted Silanes: Collision Induced Decomposition of Siloxide Ions Leading to Anions of Silaacetaldehyde and Methyl Silaformate, Organomet., 1990, 9, 4, 999, https://doi.org/10.1021/om00118a015 .

5 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. Hydrogen cation (H+)
  2. dimethyloxosilane (C2H6OSi)
  3. CH2=Si(Me)O anion (C2H5OSi-)
  4. MeOSiO anion (CH3O2Si-)
  5. CH4O2Si (CH4O2Si)