Species with data from:

Marteau, P.; Granier, R.; Vu, H.; Vodar, B., Spectres de translation des couples Xe-He, Xe-Ne, Xe-Ar et Xe-H2; leur role possible dans la formation des bandes < satellites > electroniques, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. B, 1967, 265, 685.

4 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. Neon, compound with krypton (1:1) (KrNe)
  2. Neon, compound with xenon (1:1) (NeXe)
  3. NeXe+ (NeXe+)
  4. KrNe+ (KrNe+)