
Reaction thermochemistry data

Go To: Top, Henry's Law data, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: John E. Bartmess

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Individual Reactions

H2As- + Hydrogen cation = Arsine

By formula: H2As- + H+ = H3As

Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δr357.5 ± 2.1kcal/molG+TSGal, Maria, et al., 1989gas phase
Δr357.8 ± 3.1kcal/molD-EASmyth and Brauman, 1972gas phase
Δr361.9 ± 6.1kcal/molG+TSWyatt, Holtz, et al., 1974gas phase; Between PH3, H2S; value altered from reference due to change in acidity scale
Δr<359.7 ± 4.6kcal/molEIAEEbinghaus, Kraus, et al., 1964gas phase; From AsH3
Δr359.00kcal/molN/ACheck, Faust, et al., 2001gas phase; CrOO-(q); ; ΔS(EA)=1.7
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δr350.0 ± 2.0kcal/molIMREGal, Maria, et al., 1989gas phase
Δr354.4 ± 6.0kcal/molIMRBWyatt, Holtz, et al., 1974gas phase; Between PH3, H2S; value altered from reference due to change in acidity scale
Δr352.20kcal/molN/ACheck, Faust, et al., 2001gas phase; CrOO-(q); ; ΔS(EA)=1.7

Henry's Law data

Go To: Top, Reaction thermochemistry data, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Rolf Sander

Henry's Law constant (water solution)

kH(T) = H exp(d(ln(kH))/d(1/T) ((1/T) - 1/(298.15 K)))
H = Henry's law constant for solubility in water at 298.15 K (mol/(kg*bar))
d(ln(kH))/d(1/T) = Temperature dependence constant (K)

H (mol/(kg*bar)) d(ln(kH))/d(1/T) (K) Method Reference

Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels

Go To: Top, Reaction thermochemistry data, Henry's Law data, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Takehiko Shimanouchi

Symmetry:   C     Symmetry Number σ = 3

 Sym.   No   Approximate   Selected Freq.  Infrared   Raman   Comments 
 Species   type of mode   Value   Rating   Value  Phase  Value  Phase

a1 1 Sym str 2116  A 2116.1 gas
a1 2 Sym deform 906  B 906.0 gas
e 3 Deg str 2123  B 2123.0 gas
e 4 Deg deform 1003  B 1003 gas

Source: Shimanouchi, 1972


A0~1 cm-1 uncertainty
B1~3 cm-1 uncertainty


Go To: Top, Reaction thermochemistry data, Henry's Law data, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Gal, Maria, et al., 1989
Gal, J.-F.; Maria, P.-C.; Decouzon, M., The Gas-Phase Acidity and Bond Dissociation Energies of Hydrogen Telluride, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc., 1989, 93, 1, 87, . [all data]

Smyth and Brauman, 1972
Smyth, K.C.; Brauman, J.I., Photodetachment of electrons from amide and arsenide ions: The electron affinities of NH2 and AsH2., J. Chem. Phys., 1972, 56, 4620. [all data]

Wyatt, Holtz, et al., 1974
Wyatt, R.H.; Holtz, D.; McMahon, T.B.; Beauchamp, J.L., Acidity, basicity, and ion-molecule reactions of arsine in the gas phase by ICR spectroscopy, Inorg. Chem., 1974, 13, 1511. [all data]

Ebinghaus, Kraus, et al., 1964
Ebinghaus, H.; Kraus, K.; Neuert, H.; Muller-Duysing, W., Negative Ionen durch Elecktronenresonanzeinfang in PH3, AsH3, und SiH4, Z. Naturfor., 1964, 19A, 732. [all data]

Check, Faust, et al., 2001
Check, C.E.; Faust, T.O.; Bailey, J.M.; Wright, B.J.; Gilbert, T.M.; Sunderlin, L.S., Addition of Polarization and Diffuse Functions to the LANL2DZ Basis Set for P-Block Elements, J. Phys. Chem. A,, 2001, 105, 34, 8111, . [all data]

Shimanouchi, 1972
Shimanouchi, T., Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies Consolidated Volume I, National Bureau of Standards, 1972, 1-160. [all data]


Go To: Top, Reaction thermochemistry data, Henry's Law data, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, References