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Condensed phase thermochemistry data

Go To: Top, IR Spectrum, Gas Chromatography, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled as indicated in comments:
ALS - Hussein Y. Afeefy, Joel F. Liebman, and Stephen E. Stein
DH - Eugene S. Domalski and Elizabeth D. Hearing

Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δfsolid-315.6 ± 0.82kJ/molCcrNurachmetov, Beremzhanov, et al., 1985see Nurakhmeta, Beremzhanov, et al., 1984; ALS
Δfsolid-310.1kJ/molCcbCiocazanu, Dogaru, et al., 1976ALS
Δfsolid-316.99 ± 0.70kJ/molCcbBarnes and Pilcher, 1975ALS
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δcsolid-1186.03 ± 0.82kJ/molCcrNurachmetov, Beremzhanov, et al., 1985see Nurakhmeta, Beremzhanov, et al., 1984; ALS
Δcsolid-1191.5kJ/molCcbCiocazanu, Dogaru, et al., 1976ALS
Δcsolid-1184.60 ± 0.69kJ/molCcbBarnes and Pilcher, 1975ALS
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
solid,1 bar115.0J/mol*KN/ANurachmetov, Beremzhanov, et al., 1985DH
solid,1 bar115.0J/mol*KN/ANurakhmetov, Beremzhanov, et al., 1984DH

Constant pressure heat capacity of solid

Cp,solid (J/mol*K) Temperature (K) Reference Comment
86.65298.Emons, Naumann, et al., 1986T = 298 to 400 K. Cp data given at 298 K as 1.467 kJ/kg*K (extrapolated). Cp = 1.481 + 0.0069(T-300) kJ/kg*K (300 to 330).; DH
91.27298.15Nurachmetov, Beremzhanov, et al., 1985T = 13 to 330 K.; DH
91.27298.15Nurakhmetov, Beremzhanov, et al., 1984T = 8 to 330 K.; DH
90.00300.DeWit, DeKruif, et al., 1983T = 90 to 360 K.; DH
90.3298.15Skold, Suurkuusk, et al., 1976DH
66.5293.Campbell and Campbell, 1940DH

IR Spectrum

Go To: Top, Condensed phase thermochemistry data, Gas Chromatography, References, Notes

Data compiled by: Coblentz Society, Inc.

Data compiled by: NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center, William E. Wallace, director

Gas Chromatography

Go To: Top, Condensed phase thermochemistry data, IR Spectrum, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center, William E. Wallace, director

Van Den Dool and Kratz RI, non-polar column, temperature ramp

View large format table.

Column type Active phase I Reference Comment
CapillarySPB-Sulfur719.8de Lacy Costello, Evans, et al., 200130. m/0.32 mm/4. μm, 40. C @ 12.5 min, 4. K/min; Tend: 200. C

Van Den Dool and Kratz RI, polar column, custom temperature program

View large format table.

Column type Active phase I Reference Comment
CapillaryFFAP1788.Yasuhara, 198750. m/0.25 mm/0.25 μm, He; Program: 20C (5min) => 2C/min => 70C => 4C/min => 210C

Normal alkane RI, non-polar column, temperature ramp

View large format table.

Column type Active phase I Reference Comment
CapillaryDB-1764.Chen, Wang, et al., 199860. m/0.32 mm/1. μm, He, 3. K/min; Tstart: 40. C; Tend: 260. C

Normal alkane RI, polar column, temperature ramp

View large format table.

Column type Active phase I Reference Comment
CapillaryRTX-Wax1738.Prososki, Etzel, et al., 200730. m/0.25 mm/0.5 μm, He, 40. C @ 5. min, 10. K/min, 220. C @ 10. min
CapillaryDB-Wax1764.Wong and Bernhard, 1988He, 70. C @ 8. min, 2. K/min; Column length: 30. m; Column diameter: 0.25 mm; Tend: 160. C

Normal alkane RI, polar column, custom temperature program

View large format table.

Column type Active phase I Reference Comment
CapillaryDB-Wax1763.Kim. J.H., Ahn, et al., 200460. m/0.25 mm/0.25 μm, Helium; Program: 60 0C (3 min) 2 0C/min -> 150 0C 4 0C/min -> 200 0C
CapillaryDB-Wax1725.Peng, Yang, et al., 1991Program: not specified
CapillaryDB-Wax1775.Peng, Yang, et al., 1991Program: not specified


Go To: Top, Condensed phase thermochemistry data, IR Spectrum, Gas Chromatography, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Nurachmetov, Beremzhanov, et al., 1985
Nurachmetov, N.N.; Beremzhanov, B.A.; Abramova, G.V.; Lebedev, B.V., Thermodynamics of (thio)amides and their compounds with mineral acids at (0-330)K, Thermochim. Acta, 1985, 92, 329-332. [all data]

Nurakhmeta, Beremzhanov, et al., 1984
Nurakhmeta, N.N.; Beremzhanov, B.A.; Abramova, G.V.; Lebedev, B.V., Thermodynamic properties of acetamide, thio-semicarbazide, and thiourea hydronitrate at (0-330) K, Probl. Kalorim. Khim. Termodin., Dokl. Vses. Konf., 10th, 1984, 2, 460-462. [all data]

Ciocazanu, Dogaru, et al., 1976
Ciocazanu, I.; Dogaru, V.; Zavoianu, D., Structure and reactivity of amides. Concerning the heats of combustion and formation of some unsaturated α, β amides derived from acetamide, Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 1976, 27, 4-6. [all data]

Barnes and Pilcher, 1975
Barnes, D.S.; Pilcher, G., Enthalpies of combustion of ethanamide, propanamide, and butanamide, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1975, 7, 377-382. [all data]

Nurakhmetov, Beremzhanov, et al., 1984
Nurakhmetov, N.N.; Beremzhanov, B.A.; Abramova, G.V.; Lebedev, B.V., Thermodynamic properties of acetamide, thiosemicarbazide, and thiourea hydronitrate at (0-330) K, Probl. Kalorim. Khim. Termodin., Dokl. Vses. Konf., 10th, 1984, 2, 460-2. [all data]

Emons, Naumann, et al., 1986
Emons, H.H.; Naumann, R.; Jahn, K.; Flammersheim, H.J., Thermal properties of acetamide in the temperature range from 298 K to 400 K, Thermochim. Acta, 1986, 104, 127-137. [all data]

DeWit, DeKruif, et al., 1983
DeWit, H.G.M.; DeKruif, C.G.; Van Miltenburg, J.C., Thermodynamic properties of molecular organic crystals containing organic crystals containing nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. II. Molar heat capacities of eight compounds by adiabatic calorimetry, J. Chem. Thermodynam., 1983, 15, 891-902. [all data]

Skold, Suurkuusk, et al., 1976
Skold, R.; Suurkuusk, J.; Wadso, I., Thermochemistry of solutions of biochemical model compounds. 7. Aqueous solutions of some amides, t-butanol, and pentanol, J. Chem. Thermodynam., 1976, 8, 1075-1080. [all data]

Campbell and Campbell, 1940
Campbell, A.N.; Campbell, A.J.R., The heats of solution, heats of formation, specific heats and equilibrium diagrams of certain molecular compounds. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1940, 62, 291-297. [all data]

de Lacy Costello, Evans, et al., 2001
de Lacy Costello, B.P.J.; Evans, P.; Ewen, R.J.; Gunson, H.E.; Jones, P.R.H.; Ratcliffe, N.M.; Spencer-Phillips, P.T.N., Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of volatile organic compounds from potato tubers inoculated with Phytophthora infestans or Fusarium coeruleum, Plant Pathol., 2001, 50, 4, 489-496, . [all data]

Yasuhara, 1987
Yasuhara, A., Identification of Volatile Compounds in Poultry Manure by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, J. Chromatogr., 1987, 387, 371-378, . [all data]

Chen, Wang, et al., 1998
Chen, J.; Wang, M.; Ho, C.-T., Volatile compounds generated from thermal degradation of N-acetylglucosamine, J. Agric. Food Chem., 1998, 46, 8, 3207-3209, . [all data]

Prososki, Etzel, et al., 2007
Prososki, R.A.; Etzel, M.R.; Rankin, S.A., Solvent type affects the number, distribution, and relative quantities of volatile compounds found in sweet whey powder, J. Dairy Sci., 2007, 90, 2, 523-531, . [all data]

Wong and Bernhard, 1988
Wong, J.M.; Bernhard, R.A., Effect of nitrogen source on pyrazine formation, J. Agric. Food Chem., 1988, 36, 1, 123-129, . [all data]

Kim. J.H., Ahn, et al., 2004
Kim. J.H.; Ahn, H.J.; Yook, H.S.; Kim, K.S.; Rhee, M.S.; Ryu, G.H.; Byun, M.W., Color, flavor, and sensory characteristics of gamma-irradiated salted and fermented anchovy sauce, Radiation Phys. Chem., 2004, 69, 2, 179-187, . [all data]

Peng, Yang, et al., 1991
Peng, C.T.; Yang, Z.C.; Ding, S.F., Prediction of rentention idexes. II. Structure-retention index relationship on polar columns, J. Chromatogr., 1991, 586, 1, 85-112, . [all data]


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