
Normal alkane RI, non-polar column, custom temperature program

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center, William E. Wallace, director

Column type CapillaryCapillaryCapillaryCapillaryCapillary
Active phase HP-5 MSDB-5 MSRTX-5DB-5 MSHP-5MS
Column length (m)
Carrier gas HeliumHeliumHeliumHeliumHe
Column diameter (mm)
Phase thickness (μm)
Program 40 0C (3 min) 3 0C/min -> 160 0C (2 min) 8 0C/min -> 220 0C (3 min)not specified60 0C (5 min) 5 0C/min -> 110 0C 3 0C/min -> 220 0C (5 min)45 0C (0.75 min) 10 0C/min -> 200 0C 30 0C/min -> 245 0C (1.25 min)40C => 3C/min => 100C => 5C/min => 230C(2min)
I 853.854.845.857.854.
ReferenceFan, Lu, et al., 2009Su, Wang, et al., 2009Zachariah, Leela, et al., 2008Cajka, Hajslova, et al., 2007Chokeprasert P., Charles A.L., et al., 2007
Column type CapillaryCapillaryCapillaryCapillaryCapillary
Active phase DB-1HP-5MSDB-1HP-5 MSDB-5
Column length (m)
Carrier gas N2HeHeHelium 
Column diameter (mm)
Phase thickness (μm)
Program 40C(1min) => 5C/min => 150C => 10C/min => 200C(9min)40C(3min) => 8C/min => 160C => 15C/min => 300C33C(5min) => 2C/min => 50c => 5C/min => 225C35 0C (1 min) 120 0C/min -> 60 0C 1.5 0C/min -> 100 0C 5 0C/min -> 280 0C40C(10min) => 5C/min => 200C => 20C/min => 250C (5min)
I 827.847.820.854.857.
ReferenceLin, Peng, et al., 2007Mu, Wang, et al., 2007Cramer, Mattinson, et al., 2005Turchini, Giani, et al., 2005Garcia-Estaban, Ansorena, et al., 2004
Column type CapillaryCapillaryCapillaryCapillaryCapillary
Active phase MDN-5MDN-5HP-5DB-5MSDB-5
Column length (m)
Carrier gas HeliumHelium   
Column diameter (mm)
Phase thickness (μm)
Program 30 0C (1 min) ballistically -> 60 0C 2 0C/min -> 120 0C 5 0C/min -> 280 0C (5 min)35 0C (1 min) 120 0C/min -> 60 0C 2 0C/min -> 280 0C40C(6min) => 2.5C/min => 150C => 90C/min => 250C50C => 3C/min => 160C => 6C/min => 250C => 25C/min => 325C-40C(10min) => 70C/min => 40C(5min) => 3C/min => 180C => 6C/min => 280C(5min)
I 831.835.847.854.850.
ReferenceMoretti, Madonia, et al., 2004Turchimi, Mentasti, et al., 2004Jordán, Margaría, et al., 2003Young, Lane, et al., 2003Young and Baumeister, 1999


Go To: Top, Normal alkane RI, non-polar column, custom temperature program, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

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