Fluorine anion

Gas phase ion energetics data

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: John E. Bartmess

Protonation reactions

Fluorine anion + Hydrogen cation = hydrogen fluoride

By formula: F- + H+ = HF

Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δr372. ± 1.kcal/molAVGN/AAverage of 6 out of 7 values; Individual data points
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δr365.67 ± 0.18kcal/molH-TSBlondel, Delsart, et al., 2001gas phase; Given: 3.4011895(25) eV, or 27432.446(19) cm-1, or 78.433266(577) kcal/mol
Δr365.53kcal/molH-TSMartin and Hepburn, 2000gas phase; Given: 371.334±0.003 kcal/mol (corr to 298K with data from Wagman, Evans, et al., 1982).H(0K)=370.422±0.003
Δr365.67 ± 0.18kcal/molH-TSBlondel, Cacciani, et al., 1989gas phase; Reported: 3.401190±0.000004 eV. acidity includes 0.9 kcal 0 to 298 K correction.
Δr365.5 ± 2.0kcal/molIMREBierbaum, Schmidt, et al., 1981gas phase
Δr359.40kcal/molN/ACheck, Faust, et al., 2001gas phase; FeCl3-; ; ΔS(EA)=5.0


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Blondel, Delsart, et al., 2001
Blondel, C.; Delsart, C.; Goldfarb, F., Electron spectrometry at the mu eV level and the electron affinities of Si and F, J. Phys. B: Atom. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2001, 34, 9, L281-L288, https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-4075/34/9/101 . [all data]

Martin and Hepburn, 2000
Martin, J.D.D.; Hepburn, J.W., Faraday Disc. Chem. Soc., 2000, 115, 416. [all data]

Wagman, Evans, et al., 1982
Wagman, D.D.; Evans, W.H.; Parker, V.B.; Schumm, R.H.; Halow, I.; Bailey, S.M.; Churney, K.L.; Nuttall, R.L., The NBS Tables of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties (NBS Tech Note 270), J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Supl. 1, 1982, 11. [all data]

Blondel, Cacciani, et al., 1989
Blondel, C.; Cacciani, P.; Delsart, C.; Trainham, R., High Resolution Determination of the Electron Affinity of Fluorine and Bromine using Crossed Ion and Laser Beams, Phys. Rev. A, 1989, 40, 7, 3698, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.40.3698 . [all data]

Bierbaum, Schmidt, et al., 1981
Bierbaum, V.M.; Schmidt, R.J.; DePuy, C.H.; Mead, R.H.; Schulz, P.A.; Lineberger, W.C., Reactions of carbanions with triplet and singlet molecular oxygen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1981, 103, 6262. [all data]

Check, Faust, et al., 2001
Check, C.E.; Faust, T.O.; Bailey, J.M.; Wright, B.J.; Gilbert, T.M.; Sunderlin, L.S., Addition of Polarization and Diffuse Functions to the LANL2DZ Basis Set for P-Block Elements, J. Phys. Chem. A,, 2001, 105, 34, 8111, https://doi.org/10.1021/jp011945l . [all data]


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