Constants of diatomic molecules

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Klaus P. Huber and Gerhard H. Herzberg

Data collected through September, 1977

Symbols used in the table of constants
State electronic state and / or symmetry symbol
Te minimum electronic energy (cm-1)
ωe vibrational constant – first term (cm-1)
ωexe vibrational constant – second term (cm-1)
ωeye vibrational constant – third term (cm-1)
Be rotational constant in equilibrium position (cm-1)
αe rotational constant – first term (cm-1)
γe rotation-vibration interaction constant (cm-1)
De centrifugal distortion constant (cm-1)
βe rotational constant – first term, centrifugal force (cm-1)
re internuclear distance (Å)
Trans. observed transition(s) corresponding to electronic state
ν00 position of 0-0 band (units noted in table)
Diatomic constants for (88)SrH
Fragments of several additional absorption systems above 30000 cm-1; tentative rotational analyses.
missing citation; Khan and Butt, 1968; missing citation; missing citation
F 2Σ+ 34096 [1337.0] Z (33) 1  [4.0020] 2 0.092  [13.84E-5]  [2.0561] F ← X V 34189.97 Z
missing citation; Khan, 1963; Khan, 1966; Khan and Butt, 1968
C 2Σ+ 26230 1347 H 23.5  4.008 3 0.132  14E-5  2.055 C ↔ X V 26298.7 Z
Frederickson, Hogan, et al., 1935; Humphreys and Fredrickson, 1936; More and Cornell, 1938; missing citation
D 2Σ+ 20847.6 1014.1 Z 15.4  1.925 4 0.024  3E-5  2.965 D ↔ X 5 R 20752.0 Z
Watson, Fredrickson, et al., 1936; More and Cornell, 1938
E 2Π     [3.869] 6   [20E-5]  [2.091] E → X V 18960 Z
Frederickson, Hogan, et al., 1935
     [3.639] 6   [10E-5]  [2.156] E → X V 18860 Z
Frederickson, Hogan, et al., 1935
B 2Σ+ 14340 [1193.0] Z (19) 1  3.8788 7 0.0930  17.3E-5  2.0885 B → X V 14352.1 Z
missing citation; Watson, Fredrickson, et al., 1936
A 2Πr 8    [3.679] 9   [11.3E-5]  [2.144] A → X V 13653 Z
missing citation
8    [3.668] 9   [13.3E-5]  [2.148] A → X V 13360 Z
missing citation
X 2Σ+ 0 1206.2 Z 17.0  3.6751 10 0.0814  [13.5E-5] 11  2.1456 12  
Knight and Weltner, 1971


1From isotope relations.
2Spin doubling constant γ0 = +0.076. All lines are diffuse owing to predissociation.
3Breaking-off in emission at low pressure above N'=19 and 4 in v'=0 and 1, respectively Khan, 1963, 2. Perturbations.
4Strong perturbations.
5Franck-Condon factors Singh and Srivastava, 1968.
7Spin doubling constant γ0 = -3.81 N < 10 Watson, Fredrickson, et al., 1936. For a more elaborate evaluation of the spin splitting including higher-order correction terms see Veseth, 1971.
8A0 ~ +300. See also 9.
9Very large Λ-type doubling, see Watson and Fredrickson, 1932, Veseth, 1971, 2. The constants given here are effective values; see, however, Veseth, 1971, 3 who has evaluated the true constants by taking into account several usually neglected corrections to the rotational energy formulae for a 2Π state.
10From Watson, Fredrickson, et al., 1936; spin doubling constant γ0 = 0.122 Watson, Fredrickson, et al., 1936. Edvinsson, Kopp, et al., 1963 give B0 = 3.6336, D0 = 13.39E-5.
11D1 = 12.9E-5.
12ESR sp. 14
13From the predissociation in C 2Σ+ assuming dissociation into 3P0 + 2S.
14In argon matrix at 4 K.
15Spin doubling constant γ0 = +0.0357.
16From the value for SrH.
17Breaking-off above N'=29 and 19 in v'=0 and 1, respectively Khan, 1963, 2. Strong perturbations.
18Spin doubling constant γ0 = -2.01 N < 10 Watson, Fredrickson, et al., 1936. See 7.
19D1 = 3.81E-5.
20Spin doubling constant γ0 = +0.0613.
21D1 = 3.64E-5.


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Khan and Butt, 1968
Khan, M.A.; Butt, M.R., A study of some new absorption bands of SrH and SrD in the ultra-violet region, J. Phys. B:, 1968, 1, 745. [all data]

Khan, 1963
Khan, M.A., SrH and SrD bands at 2927 Å and 2928 Å, Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 1963, 81, 1047. [all data]

Khan, 1966
Khan, M.A., Rotational analysis of some new absorption bands of SrH and SrD in the ultra-violet region, Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 1966, 89, 165. [all data]

Frederickson, Hogan, et al., 1935
Frederickson, W.R.; Hogan, M.E., Jr.; Watson, W.W., The spectra of strontium hydride, Phys. Rev., 1935, 48, 602. [all data]

Humphreys and Fredrickson, 1936
Humphreys, R.F.; Fredrickson, W.R., The pressure effect on the C band of strontium hydride, Phys. Rev., 1936, 50, 542. [all data]

More and Cornell, 1938
More, K.R.; Cornell, S.D., The band spectra of SrCl and SrH, Phys. Rev., 1938, 53, 806. [all data]

Watson, Fredrickson, et al., 1936
Watson, W.W.; Fredrickson, W.R.; Hogan, M.E., Jr., Strontium deuteride and hydride spectra, Phys. Rev., 1936, 49, 150. [all data]

Knight and Weltner, 1971
Knight, L.B., Jr.; Weltner, W., Jr., Hyperfine interaction and chemical bonding in MgH, CaH, SrH, and BaH molecules, J. Chem. Phys., 1971, 54, 3875. [all data]

Khan, 1963, 2
Khan, M.A., Extension of the C2Σ → X2Σ system of SrD, Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 1963, 82, 564. [all data]

Singh and Srivastava, 1968
Singh, P.D.; Srivastava, Y.P., Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids for some bands of the SrH, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 1968, 8, 1443. [all data]

Veseth, 1971
Veseth, L., An investigation of the interaction between close-lying 2Σ and 2Π states of diatomic molecules. I. Spin-splitting of the 2Σ levels, Mol. Phys., 1971, 20, 1057. [all data]

Watson and Fredrickson, 1932
Watson, W.W.; Fredrickson, W.R., The spectrum of strontium hydride, Phys. Rev., 1932, 39, 765. [all data]

Veseth, 1971, 2
Veseth, L., An investigation of the interaction between close-lying 2Σ and 2Π states of diatomic molecules. II. Λ-doubling of the 2Π levels, Mol. Phys., 1971, 21, 287. [all data]

Veseth, 1971, 3
Veseth, L., Corrections to the spin-orbit splitting in 2Π states of diatomic molecules, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1971, 38, 228. [all data]

Edvinsson, Kopp, et al., 1963
Edvinsson, G.; Kopp, I.; Lindgren, B.; Aslund, N., Rotational analysis of an ultraviolet system of the hydrides and deuterides of Ca, Sr and Ba, Ark. Fys., 1963, 25, 95. [all data]


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