Constants of diatomic molecules

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Klaus P. Huber and Gerhard H. Herzberg

Data collected through November, 1974

Symbols used in the table of constants
State electronic state and / or symmetry symbol
Te minimum electronic energy (cm-1)
ωe vibrational constant – first term (cm-1)
ωexe vibrational constant – second term (cm-1)
ωeye vibrational constant – third term (cm-1)
Be rotational constant in equilibrium position (cm-1)
αe rotational constant – first term (cm-1)
γe rotation-vibration interaction constant (cm-1)
De centrifugal distortion constant (cm-1)
βe rotational constant – first term, centrifugal force (cm-1)
re internuclear distance (Å)
Trans. observed transition(s) corresponding to electronic state
ν00 position of 0-0 band (units noted in table)
Diatomic constants for 197AuH
C 1Σ+ (43350) (1550) 1   [(6.66)] 1     [1.589] 1 C → X R (42986) 1
missing citation
c 0- 42922 [1229] Z (42)  5.96 0.27  0.00053  1.680 c → X 2 R 42426 Z
Ringstrom, 1963
b 1 42883 [1075.9] Z (58)  5.627 3 0.320  0.00035  1.7285 b → X 3 R 42323.0 Z
Ringstrom, 1963
a 2 (42720) (1020) (45)  [5.523] 4 4  0.00039  [1.7447] a → X R 42077.1 Z
Ringstrom, 1963
B 0+ (38545) 5 [1544.5] Z (74) 6  5.849 7 8 0.187 6  [3.0E-4] 9  1.6954 B ↔ X R 38231.8 Z
Heimer, 1936; missing citation; Loginov, 1964
A 0+ 27665.7 5 1669.55 Z 55.06 -3.93 6.0069 0.249 -0.027 0.000324 0.000028 1.67297 A ↔ X R 27344.5 Z
Farkas, 1929; Heimer, 1936; Imanishi, 1937; missing citation; Loginov, 1964
X 1Σ+ 0 2305.01 Z 43.12 -0.44 7.2401 0.2136  0.000279 -0.00000084 1.52385  


1Approximate constants for the deperturbed state. Perturbed values are B0 = 5.79, ν0(0-0) = 43105.5. Rotational levels in v=0 are broadened: broadening increases with J. See 8.
2Q branches only having J ≥ 18.
3Ω-type doubling Δνef(v=0) ~ +0.006J(J+1) +0.00007 J2(J+1)2 - ...for J < 17. b 1 (v=0) perturbed by B 0+ (v=3) at J~18. Bands with v' ≥ 1 consist of Q branches only.
4Ω-type doubling Δνef(v=0) ~ -0.005J(J+1) + 0.00002 J2(J+1)2. Bands ascribed by Ringstrom, 1963 to v=4 and 5 (B4 = 4.60, B5 = 3.63) consist of Q branches only: line width increasing with J, see 8 .
5A and B correspond to 1Σ* and 1Σ**, respectively, of Heimer, 1936.
6Vibrational levels observed up to v=4. Levels with v ≥ 2 are strongly perturbed by C 1Σ+. For details see Ringstrom, 1963.
7Broadening, increasing with J, of rotational levels in v=3 and 4. See 8 .
8Predissociations in B 0+, a 2, and C 1Σ+ are due to interaction with an unstable 1 state arising from Au(2D5/2) + H(2S): see Ringstrom, 1963.
9D1 = 3.4E-4.
10Based on the value for the common dissociation limit Au(2D3/2) + H(2S) of states B, a, b,and c Ringstrom, 1963. Agrees within error limits with an earlier thermochemical value by Farkas, 1929.
11D1 = 7.6E-4.
12From the value for AuH.
13Approximate constants for the deperturbed state. Perturbed values are B0 = 2.954, ν0(0-0) = 43011.0. Constants for an additional level at 45122.8 cm-1 above X 1Σ+(v=0), assumed to be unperturbed and tentatively assigned as v=2, are B2 = 2.75, D2 = 8.3E-4.
14Average of the two Ω-type doubling components; Δνef ~ +0.0055 J(J+1).
15Vibrational levels observed for v ≤ 7, except v=6. Levels with v > 2 are strongly perturbed by C 1Σ+ Ringstrom, 1963. βe ~ +0.06E-4.
16Line width in 5 ← 0 band increases with J.


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Ringstrom, 1963
Ringstrom, U., Absorption spectrum of gold hydride in the ultra-violet, Nature (London), 1963, 198, 981. [all data]

Heimer, 1936
Heimer, T., Der isotopieeffekt des goldhydrids (AuH/AuD), Die Naturwissenschaften, 1936, 24, 78. [all data]

Loginov, 1964
Loginov, V.A., The production of electronic band spectra by the exploding wire method, Opt. Spectrosc. Engl. Transl., 1964, 16, 220, In original 402. [all data]

Farkas, 1929
Farkas, A., Uber die bildung von gasformigen goldhydrid, Z. Phys. Chem. Abt. B, 1929, 5, 467. [all data]

Imanishi, 1937
Imanishi, S., The near ultra-violet 1Σ→1Σ band system of gold deuteride, and a new analysis of gold hydride spectrum, Sci. Pap. Inst. Phys. Chem. Res. Jpn., 1937, 31, 247. [all data]


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