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Ion clustering data

Go To: Top, Mass spectrum (electron ionization), Gas Chromatography, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Michael M. Meot-Ner (Mautner) and Sharon G. Lias

Note: Please consider using the reaction search for this species. This page allows searching of all reactions involving this species. Searches may be limited to ion clustering reactions. A general reaction search form is also available.

Clustering reactions

C3H9Si+ + 1-Butanamine = (C3H9Si+ • 1-Butanamine)

By formula: C3H9Si+ + C4H11N = (C3H9Si+ • C4H11N)

Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δr249.kJ/molPHPMSLi and Stone, 1990gas phase; switching reaction,Thermochemical ladder((CH3)3Si+)C6H5COOC2H5; Wojtyniak and Stone, 1986
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δr171.J/mol*KPHPMSLi and Stone, 1990gas phase; switching reaction,Thermochemical ladder((CH3)3Si+)C6H5COOC2H5; Wojtyniak and Stone, 1986

Mass spectrum (electron ionization)

Go To: Top, Ion clustering data, Gas Chromatography, References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center, William E. Wallace, director


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Owner NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center
Collection (C) 2014 copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce
on behalf of the United States of America. All rights reserved.
Origin Japan AIST/NIMC Database- Spectrum MS-NW- 938
NIST MS number 228817

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Gas Chromatography

Go To: Top, Ion clustering data, Mass spectrum (electron ionization), References, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center, William E. Wallace, director

Kovats' RI, non-polar column, isothermal

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Column type Active phase Temperature (C) I Reference Comment
PackedC78, Branched paraffin130.609.4Dallos, Sisak, et al., 2000He; Column length: 3.3 m
PackedC78, Branched paraffin130.609.4Reddy, Dutoit, et al., 1992Chromosorb G HP; Column length: 3.3 m
PackedApolane130.610.Dutoit, 1991Column length: 3.7 m
PackedSE-30180.629.Oszczapowicz, Osek, et al., 1985N2, Chromosorb A AW; Column length: 3. m
PackedSE-30180.629.Oszczapowicz, Osek, et al., 1984N2, Chromosorb W AW; Column length: 3. m
PackedPMS-100130.621.Anderson, Jurel, et al., 1973He, Celite 545 (44-60 mesh); Column length: 3. m
PackedPMS-100150.619.Anderson, Jurel, et al., 1973He, Celite 545 (44-60 mesh); Column length: 3. m
PackedPMS-100180.617.Anderson, Jurel, et al., 1973He, Celite 545 (44-60 mesh); Column length: 3. m
PackedApiezon L130.614.Landault and Guiochon, 1964Teflon-Haloport; Column length: 2.26 m

Kovats' RI, polar column, isothermal

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Column type Active phase Temperature (C) I Reference Comment
PackedPEG-2000120.896.Anderson, Jurel, et al., 1973He, Celite 545 (44-60 mesh); Column length: 3. m
PackedPEG-2000150.890.Anderson, Jurel, et al., 1973He, Celite 545 (44-60 mesh); Column length: 3. m
PackedPEG-2000152.918.Anderson, Jurel, et al., 1973He, Celite 545 (44-60 mesh); Column length: 3. m
PackedPEG-2000179.912.Anderson, Jurel, et al., 1973He, Celite 545 (44-60 mesh); Column length: 3. m
PackedPEG-2000180.886.Anderson, Jurel, et al., 1973He, Celite 545 (44-60 mesh); Column length: 3. m
PackedPEG-2000200.904.Anderson, Jurel, et al., 1973He, Celite 545 (44-60 mesh); Column length: 3. m

Van Den Dool and Kratz RI, non-polar column, custom temperature program

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Column type Active phase I Reference Comment
CapillaryDB-1608.Peng, 200015. m/0.53 mm/1. μm, He; Program: 40C(3min) => 8C/min => 200(1min) => 5C/min => 300C(25min)
CapillaryMethyl Silicone626.Peng, Yang, et al., 1991Program: not specified
PackedSE-30626.Peng, Ding, et al., 1988Supelcoport; Chromosorb; Column length: 3.05 m; Program: 40C(5min) => 10C/min => 200C or 250C (60min)

Normal alkane RI, non-polar column, isothermal

View large format table.

Column type Active phase Temperature (C) I Reference Comment
CapillaryMethyl Silicone100.628.Lebrón-Aguilar, Quintanilla-López, et al., 2007 
CapillaryMethyl Silicone120.628.Lebrón-Aguilar, Quintanilla-López, et al., 2007 
CapillaryMethyl Silicone140.628.Lebrón-Aguilar, Quintanilla-López, et al., 2007 
CapillaryMethyl Silicone80.627.Lebrón-Aguilar, Quintanilla-López, et al., 2007 

Normal alkane RI, polar column, custom temperature program

View large format table.

Column type Active phase I Reference Comment
CapillaryDB-Wax908.Peng, Yang, et al., 1991, 2Program: not specified


Go To: Top, Ion clustering data, Mass spectrum (electron ionization), Gas Chromatography, Notes

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Li and Stone, 1990
Li, X.; Stone, A.J., Gas-Phase (CH3)3Si+ Affinities of Alkylamines and Proton Affinities of Trimethylsilyl Alkylamines, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc., 1990, 101, 2-3, 149, https://doi.org/10.1016/0168-1176(90)87008-5 . [all data]

Wojtyniak and Stone, 1986
Wojtyniak, A.C.M.; Stone, A.J., A High-Pressure Mass Spectrometric Study of the Bonding of Trimethylsilylium to Oxygen and Aromatic Bases, Can. J. Chem., 1986, 74, 59. [all data]

Dallos, Sisak, et al., 2000
Dallos, A.; Sisak, A.; Kulcsár, Z.; Kováts, E., Pair-wise interactions by gas chromatography VII. Interaction free enthalpies of solutes with secondary alcohol groups, J. Chromatogr. A, 2000, 904, 2, 211-242, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0021-9673(00)00908-0 . [all data]

Reddy, Dutoit, et al., 1992
Reddy, K.S.; Dutoit, J.-Cl.; Kovats, E. sz., Pair-wise interactions by gas chromatography. I. Interaction free enthalpies of solutes with non-associated primary alcohol groups, J. Chromatogr., 1992, 609, 1-2, 229-259, https://doi.org/10.1016/0021-9673(92)80167-S . [all data]

Dutoit, 1991
Dutoit, J., Gas chromatographic retention behaviour of some solutes on structurally similar polar and non-polar stationary phases, J. Chromatogr., 1991, 555, 1-2, 191-204, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0021-9673(01)87179-X . [all data]

Oszczapowicz, Osek, et al., 1985
Oszczapowicz, J.; Osek, J.; Ciszkowski, K.; Krawczyk, W.; Ostrowski, M., Retention Indices of Dimethylbenzamidines and Benzylideneamines on a Non-Polar Column, J. Chromatogr., 1985, 330, 79-85, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0021-9673(01)81964-6 . [all data]

Oszczapowicz, Osek, et al., 1984
Oszczapowicz, J.; Osek, J.; Dolecka, E., Retention indices of dimethylformamidines, dimethylacetamidines and tetramethylguanidines on a non-polar column, J. Chromatogr., 1984, 315, 95-100, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0021-9673(01)90727-7 . [all data]

Anderson, Jurel, et al., 1973
Anderson, A.; Jurel, S.; Shymanska, M.; Golender, L., Gas-liquid chromatography of some aliphatic and heterocyclic mono- and pollyfunctional amines. VII. Retention indices of amines in some polar and unpolar stationary phases, Latv. PSR Zinat. Akad. Vestis Kim. Ser., 1973, 1, 51-63. [all data]

Landault and Guiochon, 1964
Landault, C.; Guiochon, G., Separation des amines par chromatographie gaz-liquide en utilisant le teflon comme support, J. Chromatogr., 1964, 13, 327-336, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0021-9673(01)95126-X . [all data]

Peng, 2000
Peng, C.T., Prediction of retention indices. V. Influence of electronic effects and column polarity on retention index, J. Chromatogr. A, 2000, 903, 1-2, 117-143, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0021-9673(00)00901-8 . [all data]

Peng, Yang, et al., 1991
Peng, C.T.; Yang, Z.C.; Maltby, D., Prediction of retention indexes. III. Silylated derivatives of polar compounds, J. Chromatogr., 1991, 586, 1, 113-129, https://doi.org/10.1016/0021-9673(91)80029-G . [all data]

Peng, Ding, et al., 1988
Peng, C.T.; Ding, S.F.; Hua, R.L.; Yang, Z.C., Prediction of Retention Indexes I. Structure-Retention Index Relationship on Apolar Columns, J. Chromatogr., 1988, 436, 137-172, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0021-9673(00)94575-8 . [all data]

Lebrón-Aguilar, Quintanilla-López, et al., 2007
Lebrón-Aguilar, R.; Quintanilla-López, J.E.; Tello, A.M.; Santiuste, J.M., Isothermal retention indices on poly (3,3,3-trifluoropropylmethylsiloxane) stationary phases, J. Chromatogr. A, 2007, 1160, 1-2, 276-288, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2007.05.025 . [all data]

Peng, Yang, et al., 1991, 2
Peng, C.T.; Yang, Z.C.; Ding, S.F., Prediction of rentention idexes. II. Structure-retention index relationship on polar columns, J. Chromatogr., 1991, 586, 1, 85-112, https://doi.org/10.1016/0021-9673(91)80028-F . [all data]


Go To: Top, Ion clustering data, Mass spectrum (electron ionization), Gas Chromatography, References