4-Heptanone, 2,6-dimethyl-

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Normal boiling point

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled as indicated in comments:
BS - Robert L. Brown and Stephen E. Stein
TRC - Thermodynamics Research Center, NIST Boulder Laboratories, Chris Muzny director

Tboil (K) Reference Comment
442.6Weast and Grasselli, 1989BS
397.15Terry, Kepner, et al., 1960Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 1. K; TRC; Data excluded from overall average
442.5Anonymous, 1958Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 0.6 K; TRC
442.5Anonymous, 1955Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 0.8 K; TRC
442.5Doolittle, 1954Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 1. K; TRC
441.3Anonymous, 1953Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 1.5 K; TRC
441.2Lecat, 1949Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 2. K; TRC
441.2Lecat, 1947Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 0.6 K; TRC
441.39Stross, Gable, et al., 1947Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 0.1 K; calculated from Antoine equation fit to obs. data; TRC
442.Ipatieff and Haensel, 1942Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 8. K; TRC
438.15Ewell and Welch, 1941Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 1.5 K; TRC
441.Cowan, Jeffery, et al., 1940Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 3. K; TRC
438.9Kohlraush and Koppl, 1934Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 5. K; TRC
439.Leroide, 1921Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 6. K; TRC
438.Vavon, 1914Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 5. K; TRC
438.15Sabatier and Mailhe, 1909Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 2. K; TRC

In addition to the Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC) data available from this site, much more physical and chemical property data is available from the following TRC products:


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Weast and Grasselli, 1989
CRC Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds, 2nd Editon, Weast,R.C and Grasselli, J.G., ed(s)., CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 1989, 1. [all data]

Terry, Kepner, et al., 1960
Terry, T.D.; Kepner, R.E.; Dinsmore, W., Binary Systems Containing Isoamyl Alcohol or Active Amyl Alcohol, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1960, 5, 403. [all data]

Anonymous, 1958
Anonymous, R., , Am. Pet. Inst. Res. Proj. 45, Ohio State Univ., 1958. [all data]

Anonymous, 1955
Anonymous, R., , Am. Pet. Inst. Res. Proj. 45, Tech. Rep. 14, No. 1, Ohio State Univ., 1955. [all data]

Doolittle, 1954
Doolittle, A.K., The Technology of Solvents and Plasticizers, Wiley-Inter- science, New York, 1954. [all data]

Anonymous, 1953
Anonymous, R., , Physical Properties of Chemical Substances, Dow Chemical Company, 1953. [all data]

Lecat, 1949
Lecat, M., Tables Azeotropiques, Vol. 1, 10th ed., Brussels, Belgium, 1949. [all data]

Lecat, 1947
Lecat, M., Orthobaric Azeotropes of Sulfides, Bull. Cl. Sci., Acad. R. Belg., 1947, 33, 160-82. [all data]

Stross, Gable, et al., 1947
Stross, F.H.; Gable, C.M.; Rounds. G.C., The Vapor Pressures and Some Other Properties of Diisobutyl Ketone and Diisobutylcarbinol, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1947, 69, 1629-30. [all data]

Ipatieff and Haensel, 1942
Ipatieff, V.N.; Haensel, V., J. Org. Chem., 1942, 7, 189. [all data]

Ewell and Welch, 1941
Ewell, R.H.; Welch, L.M., Maximum Boiling Mixtures of chloroparaffins with Donor Liquids, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1941, 63, 2475. [all data]

Cowan, Jeffery, et al., 1940
Cowan, D.M.; Jeffery, G.H.; Vogel, A.I., Physical Properties and Chemical Constitution. V. Alkyl Ketones., J. Chem. Soc., 1940, 1940, 171. [all data]

Kohlraush and Koppl, 1934
Kohlraush, K.W.F.; Koppl, F., Z. Phys. Chem., Abt. B, 1934, 24, 370. [all data]

Leroide, 1921
Leroide, J., Ann. Chim. (Paris), 1921, 16, 354. [all data]

Vavon, 1914
Vavon, G., Hydrogeneration catalyst in the presence of platinum blacks. Transformation of aldehydes and ketones to alcohols, Ann. Chim. (Paris), 1914, 1, 144-200. [all data]

Sabatier and Mailhe, 1909
Sabatier, P.; Mailhe, A., New Applications of the General Method of Hydrogenation with Various Metals, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1909, 16, 70. [all data]


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