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Author:van Bavel

3 matching references were found.

Amelynck, C.; Van Bavel, A.M.; Schoon, N.; Arijs, E., Gas phase reactions of CF3O- and CF3O-center dot H2O and their relevance to the detection of stratospheric HCl, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 2000, 202, 1-3, 207-216, . [all data]

Kitti, A.; Harju, M.; Tysklind, M.; van Bavel, B., Multivariate characterization of polycyclic aromat hydrocarbons using semi-empirical molecule orbital calculations and physical data, Chemosphere, 2003, 50, 5, 627-637, . [all data]

Keulemans, A.I.M.; Kwantes, A.; van Bavel, T., Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 1948, 67, 298. [all data]