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Author: | Ziesel, J. |
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4 matching references were found.
Ziesel, J.P.; Lifshitz, C., Time-dependent mass spectra and breakdown graphs. 10. Dissociative photoionization of anisole, Chem. Phys., 1987, 117, 227. [all data]
Ohmichi, N.; Malinovich, Y.; Ziesel, J.P.; Lifshitz, C., Time-dependent mass spectra and breakdown graphs. 12. Competitive dissociative isomerizations of the 2,4-hexadiyne cation, J. Phys. Chem., 1989, 93, 2491. [all data]
Ziesel, J.P.; Teillet-Billy, D.; Bouby, L., Na- formation by dissociative electron attachment in Na2, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1986, 123, 371-374. [all data]
Field, D.; Mrotzek, G.; Knight, D.W.; Lunt, S.; Ziesel, J.P., High-resolution studies of electron scattering by molecular oxygen, J. Phys. B:, 1988, 21, 171-188. [all data]