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Author:Zarembo, V.

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3 matching references were found.

Sobol, V.N.; Gilyarov, V.N.; Zarembo, V.I., Equation of state of aqueous solutions of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids at 298-353 K and 0.1-100 MPa, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (S.-Peterburg), 1993, 66, 433-6. [all data]

Alekhin, O.S.; Tsai, S.V.; Puchkov, L.V.; Zarembo, V.I., Volumetric properties of aqueous solutions of boric acid at high temperatures and pressures, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (S.-Peterburg), 1993, 66, 437-40. [all data]

L'vov, S.N.; Zarembo, V.I.; Gilyarov, V.N., Geokhimiya, 1981, 26, 505-516. [all data]