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Author:Young, F.

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7 matching references were found.

Young, F.B., Philos. Mag., 1910, 20, 793. [all data]

Young, F.E., D-glucose + water phase diagram, J. Phys. Chem., 1957, 61, 616. [all data]

Young, F.E.; Jones, F.T.; Lewis, H.J., D-Fructose-Water Phase Diagram, J. Phys. Chem., 1952, 56, 1093. [all data]

Young, F.E.; Jones, F.T., Sucrose hydrates the sucrose + water phase diagram, J. Phys. Colloid Chem., 1949, 53, 1334. [all data]

Lin, C.-T.; Young, F.K.; Brule, M.R.; Lee, L.L.; Starling, K.E.; Chao, J., Data bank for synthetic fuels. Part 2. Properties constants for 161 one- and two-ring coal chemicals, Hydrocarbon Process., 1980, 59, 8, 117-23. [all data]

Lin, C.-T.; Young, F.K.; Brule, M.R.; Lee, L.L.; Starling, K.E.; Chao, J., Hydrocarbon Process., 1980, 59, 5, 229. [all data]

Lin, C.-T.; Young, F.K.; Brule, M.R.; Lee, L.L.; Starling, K.E.; Chao, J., Hydrocarbon Process., 1980, 59, 11, 225. [all data]