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3 matching references were found.

Edwards, J.G.; Wiedemeier, H.; Gilles, P.W., High molecular weight boron sulfides. Ill. A mass spectrometric study of the vaporization and decomposition of metathioboric acid, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1966, 88, 2935. [all data]

Edwards, J.G.; Leitnaker, J.M.; Wiedemeier, H.; Gilles, P.W., High molecular weight boron sulfides. VII. Lower temperature studies and metastable decompositions, J. Phys. Chem., 1971, 75, 2410. [all data]

Wiedemeier, H.; Gilles, P.W., Mass-spectrometric study of the sublimation of MnS(s) and the dissociation energy of MnS(g), J. Chem. Phys., 1965, 42, 2765. [all data]