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13 matching references were found.
Al-Samra, E.H.; Western, C.M., High resolution spectroscopy of the Ã1B1--A1 transition of CBr2, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 2010, 260, 2, 135, . [all data]
Dixon, R.N.; Trenouth, M.J.; Western, C.M., An optical-optical double resonance study of the, Mol. Phys., 1987, 60, 4, 779, . [all data]
Elliott, N.L.; Fitzpatrick, J.A.J.; Western, C.M., Sub-Doppler spectroscopy of the A [sup 2]Σ[sup +]-X [sup 2]Π and B [sup 2]Π-X [sup 2]Π transitions of NCO, J. Chem. Phys., 2008, 129, 16, 164301, . [all data]
Saha, S.; Western, C.M., Experimental and ab initio study of a new D [sup 1]Δ[sub g] state of the C[sub 3] radical, J. Chem. Phys., 2006, 125, 22, 224307, . [all data]
Truscott, B.S.; Elliott, N.L.; Western, C.M., A reanalysis of the A [sup 1]A[sup ´´]-X [sup 1]A[sup ´] transition of CFBr, J. Chem. Phys., 2009, 130, 23, 234301, . [all data]
Western, C.M.; Langridge-Smith, P.R.R.; Howard, B.J.; Novick, S.E., Molecular beam electric resonance spectroscopy of the nitric oxide dimer, Mol. Phys., 1981, 44, 1, 145, . [all data]
Brinza, D.E.; Swartz, B.A.; Western, C.M.; Janda, K.C., Laser-induced fluorescence excitation spectra of NeCl2: evidence for a long-lived vibrationally excited van der Waals molecule, J. Chem. Phys., 1983, 79, 1541-1542. [all data]
Hansen, S.G.; Thompson, J.D.; Western, C.M.; Howard, B.J., Laser spectroscopy and microwave-optical double resonance of a supersonic expansion. ICl A3Π(1) v=19, Mol. Phys., 1983, 49, 1217-1229. [all data]
Ashfold, M.N.R.; Dixon, R.N.; Prince, J.D.; Tutcher, B.; Western, C.M., Asymmetric lineshapes associated with predissociating levels of NO(E2Σ+), J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 2, 1986, 82, 1257-1270. [all data]
Ashfold, M.N.R.; Tutcher, B.; Western, C.M., Rydberg states of the SH(SD) radical revealed by multiphoton ionization spectroscopy, Mol. Phys., 1989, 66, 981-991. [all data]
Johnson, J.R.; Slotterback, T.J.; Pratt, D.W.; Janda, K.C.; Western, C.M., Laser-induced fluorescence and microwave-optical double resonance spectra of the ICl(A←X, 19←0) vibronic band: measurement of the Cl atom hyperfine structure, J. Phys. Chem., 1990, 94, 5661-5664. [all data]
Schnieder, L.; Meier, W.; Welge, K.H.; Ashfold, M.N.R.; Western, C.M., Photodissociation dynamics of H2S at 121.6 nm and a determination of the potential energy function of SH(A2Σ+), J. Chem. Phys., 1990, 92, 7027-7037. [all data]
Ashfold, M.N.R.; Clement, S.G.; Howe, J.D.; Western, C.M., Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionisation spectroscopy of the NH(ND) radical, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 1991, 87, 2515-2523. [all data]