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Author:Waterson, S.

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3 matching references were found.

Semmens, J.; Waterson, S.D.; Young, C.L., Upper critical solution temperatures of mixtures containing sulphur hexafluoride., Fluid Phase Equilib., 1982, 8, 309-14. [all data]

Waterson, S.D.; Semmens, J.; Young, C.L., Upper critical solution temperatures of perfluoro-n-hexane + alkane, sulfur hexafluoride + siloxane and perfluoropropane + siloxane mixtures., Aust. J. Chem., 1980, 33, 1987. [all data]

Waterson, S.D.; Young, C.L., Gas-liquid critical temperatures of mixtures containing an organosilicon compound, Aust. J. Chem., 1978, 31, 957-62. [all data]