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34 matching references were found.

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T., Vapour pressure of methylfluoride, Physica, 1948, 14, 2-3, 104-110, . [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T., The vapour pressure of ethylene, Physica, 1950, 16, 3, 221-224, . [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Louwerse, P.; Lunbeck, R.J.; Wolkers, G.J., Isotherms and thermodynamical functions of propene at temperatures between 25° and 150°c and at densities up to 340 amagat (pressures up to 2800 atm), Physica, 1953, 19, 1-12, 287-297, . [all data]

Clark, A.M.; Din, F.; Robb, J.; Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Zwietering, Th., The Vapour Pressure of Argon, Physica (Amsterdam), 1951, 17, 10, 876-884, . [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T., Vapour Pressure of Liquid Xenon, Physica (Amsterdam), 1950, 16, 3, 253-256, . [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Wokers, G.J.; Prins, C.; Klundert, L.V.D., P-V-T- Data and Thermodynamical Properties of Freon-12 (CCl2F2) and Freon-13 (CClF3) Fluorocarbons at Temperatures Between 0° and 150° C and at Pressures Up to 400 Atm, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1966, 11, 4, 449-452, . [all data]

Trappeniers, N.J.; Wassenaar, T.; Wolkers, G.J., Isotherms and thermodynamic properties of krypton at temperatures between 0 and 150 c and at densities up to 620 amagat, Physica (Amsterdam), 1966, 32, 1503-20. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Wolkers, G.J.; Prins, Chr.; van de Klundert, L., P-v-t data and thermodynamical properties of freon-12 (ccl(2)f(2)) and freon-13 (cclf(3)) fluorocarbons at temperatures between 0 and 150c and at pressures up to 400 atm, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1966, 11, 449. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Louwerse, P., Isotherms of neon at temperatures between 0 and 150c and at densities up to 1100 amagat (pressures up to 2900 atmospheres)., Physica (Amsterdam), 1960, 26, 539-43. [all data]

Michels, A.; de Graaff, W.; Wassenaar, T.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Louwerse, P., Compressibility Isotherms of Hydrogen and Deuterium at Temperatures Between -175 deg C and +150 deg C( at Densities up to 960 Amagat), Physica (Amsterdam), 1959, 25, 25-42. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Sluyters, T.; de Graaff, W., The triple point of carbon dioxide and of argon as fixed points for the calibration of thermometers., Physica (Amsterdam), 1957, 23, 89-94. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Wolkers, G.J.; Dawson, J., Thermodynamic properties of xenon as a function of density up to 520 amagat and as a function of pressure up to 2800 atmospheres, at temperatures between 0 c and 150 c, Physica (Amsterdam), 1956, 22, 17-28. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Louwerse, P., Isotherms of xenon at temperatures between 0 and 150 c and at densities up to 515 amagats (pressures up to 2800 atm.), Physica (Amsterdam), 1954, 20, 99-106. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Wolkers, G.J.; VanSeventer, W.; Venteville, A.J., Isotherms and thermodynamical functions of two mixtures containing ammonia between 75 and 150 c and at pressures up to 300 atm, Appl. Sci. Res., Sect. A, 1954, 4, 180-8. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; de Graaff, W.; Prins, Chr., Vapor Pressure of Liquid Nitrogen, Physica (Amsterdam), 1953, 19, 26-8. [all data]

Michel, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Louwerse, P.; Lunbeck, R.J.; Wolkers, G.J., Isotherms and Thermodynamic Functions of Propene at Temperatures Between 25 deg and 150 deg and Densities Up To 340 Amagats (Pressures up to 2800 Atmospheres), Physica (Amsterdam), 1953, 19, 287. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Louwerse, P.; Lunbeck, R.J.; Wolkers, G.J., Thermodynamic Functions of Propene at Temperatures Between 25 deg and 150 degand at Pressures up to 2500 Atmospheres, Appl. Sci. Res., Sect. A, 1953, 4, 34-8. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Wolkers, G.J.; de Graaff, W.; Louwerse, P., Isotherms and thermodynamical functions of three hydrogen + nitrogen + ammonia mixtures between 0 and 150 c and pressures up to 300 atmospheres, Appl. Sci. Res., Sect. A, 1953, 3, 1-10. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Zwietering, Th.N., The vapour pressure of liquid krypton, Physica (Amsterdam), 1953, 18, 63-6. [all data]

Michels, A.; Lupton, J.M.; Wassenaar, T.; de Graaff, W., Isotherms of carbon monoxide between 0c and 150c and at pressures up to 300 0 atmospheres, Physica (Amsterdam), 1952, 18, 121-7. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Zwietering, Th.N., The Vapor Pressure of Carbon Monoxide, Physica (Amsterdam), 1952, 18, 160-2. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Zwietering, Th.N., The Vapor Pressure of Liquid Krypton, Physica (Amsterdam), 1952, 18, 63-6. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Wolkers; de Graaff, W.; Louwerse, Appl. Sci. Res., Sect. A, 1951, 3, 1, 1. [all data]

Clark, A.M.; Din, F.; Robb, J.; Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Zwietering, Th.N., The Vapor Pressure of Argon, Physica (Amsterdam), 1951, 17, 876. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T., The Vapor Pressure of Ethylene, Physica (Amsterdam), 1950, 16, 221-4. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T., Vapour pressure of liquid xenon, Physica (Amsterdam), 1950, 16, 253-6. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Zwietering, Th.N.; Smits, The vapor pressure of liquid carbon dioxide, Physica (Amsterdam), 1950, 16, 501. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T., Isotherms of argon + nitrogen + hydrogen mixture between 0 and 150 c up to 340 atmospheres, Appl. Sci. Res., Sect. A, 1949, 1, 258-62. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T., Vapour pressure of methylfluoride, Physica (Amsterdam), 1948, 14, 104. [all data]

Michels, A.; Wassenaar, T., Isotherms of A Nitrogen-Hydrogen Mixture Between 0 C and 150 C Upt O 340 Atmospheres, Appl. Sci. Res., Sect. A, 1948, 1, 258-262. [all data]

Trappeniers, N.J.; Wassenaar, T.; Abels, J.C., Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1980, 100, 660. [all data]

Trappeniers, N.J.; Wassenaar, T.; Abels, J.C., Isotherms and Thermodynamic Properties of Methane at Temperatures Between 0 and 150 C and at Densities up to 570 Amagat, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1979, 98, 289. [all data]

Trappeniers, N.J.; Wassenaar, T.; Wolkers, G.J., Isotherms and thermodynamic properties of ethylene at temperatures between 0 and 150 c and at densities up to 500 amagat, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1976, 82, 305-11. [all data]

Trappeniers, N.J.; Wassenaar, T.; Wolkers, G.J., Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1975, 82, 305. [all data]