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Author:Vree, T.B.

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2 matching references were found.

Vree, T.B.; van der Kleijn, E.; Knop, H.J., Rapid determination of 4-hydroxybutyric acid (Gamma OH) and 2-propyl pentanoate (Depakine) in human plasma by means of gas-liquid chromatography, J. Chromatogr., 1976, 121, 1, 150-152, . [all data]

Vree, T.B.; Breimer, D.D.; van Ginneken, C.A.M.; van Rossum, J.M., Gas Chromatography of Cannabis Constituents and Their Synthetic Derivatives, J. Chromatogr., 1972, 74, 2, 209-224, . [all data]