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3 matching references were found.

Voronov, F.F.; Pitaevskaya, L.L.; Bilevich, A.V., Speed of sound in gas nitrogen at pressure to 4 kbar and temperatures from 25 C to 175 C, Z. Phys. Chem. (Leipzig), 1969, 43, 588-92. [all data]

Yakovlev, E.N.; Voronov, O.A., The Gibbs energy of fullerite C60 at pressures up to 20 GPa in the temperature range 300-1000 K, High Temp. - High Pressures, 1994, 26, 639-643. [all data]

Anisimov, M.A.; Voronov, V.P., Adiabatic calorimetry of HOPDOB: Accurate measurements near phase transitions, Wiss. Beitr. Martin Luther Univ. Halle Wittenberg, 1983, 41(12), 1-6. [all data]