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Author:Von Bergen

7 matching references were found.

von Bergen, Y.; von Bergen, R., Vibrational interaction potentials, Theor. Chim. Acta, 1983, 63, 317-322. [all data]

Von Bergen, R.; Hernandez, C.A.; Cuetos, L.; Von Bergen, Y., A comparison of Sanchez-Lacombe state equation with selected empirical state equations. I, An. Quim., 1991, 87, 293-6. [all data]

Von Bergen, R.; Rogel, E.; Cuetos, L.; Von Bergen, Y., Application of Sanchez-Lacombe state equation to volumetric and liquid- vapor equilibrium calculations of multicomponent mixture. II, An. Quim., 1991, 87, 3, 297-305. [all data]

Von Bergen, R.A.; Cipolliti, L., Theoretical estimates of third virial coefficients from experimental second virial coefficient data: chloromethane, trifluoromethane, an fluoromethane fluoromethane, An. Quim., Ser. A, 1987, 83, 322. [all data]

von Bergen, Y.; von Bergen, R., Vibrational interaction potentials, Theor. Chim. Acta, 1983, 63, 317-322. [all data]

Von Bergen, R.; Hernandez, C.A.; Cuetos, L.; Von Bergen, Y., A comparison of Sanchez-Lacombe state equation with selected empirical state equations. I, An. Quim., 1991, 87, 293-6. [all data]

Von Bergen, R.; Rogel, E.; Cuetos, L.; Von Bergen, Y., Application of Sanchez-Lacombe state equation to volumetric and liquid- vapor equilibrium calculations of multicomponent mixture. II, An. Quim., 1991, 87, 3, 297-305. [all data]