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Author:Volkov, S.

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4 matching references were found.

Grinberg, E.E.; Omiadze, A.P.; Reznikov, V.I.; Efremov, A.A.; Volkov, S.A., Physicochemical Properties of Trimethoxyarsenic, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1986, 60, 116. [all data]

Senin, N.N.; Filippov, Yu.S.; Tolikina, N.F.; Smol'yaninov, G.A.; Volkov, S.A.; Kukushkin, V.S., Chromatographic Determination of Some Trace Organic Impurities in Natural and Waste Waters with Preliminary Adsorption Trapping, J. Chromatogr., 1986, 364, 315-321, . [all data]

Volkov, S.A.; Sakodynskii, K.I.; Gil'man, A.B.; Kolotyrkin, V.M.; Zelenkova, N.F.; Zakharova, T.K.; Potapov, V.K., Modification of sorbents and solid supports by a glow discharge plasma, J. Chromatogr., 1982, 242, 1, 166-169, . [all data]

Volkov, S.V.; Mazurenko, E.A.; Bublik, Z.N., Effect of the nature of substituents in β-diketonates on their thermodynamic characteristics, Str., Svoistva Primen. β [Beta]-Diketonatov Met., [Mater. Vses. Semin.], 3rd, V.I. Spitsyn, ed(s)., 1978, 119-122. [all data]