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13 matching references were found.

Whitham, C.J.; Soep, B.; Visticot, J.-P.; Keller, A., Observation and spectroscopy of metallic free radicals produced by reactive collisions during a supersonic expansion, J. Chem. Phys., 1990, 93, 2, 991, . [all data]

Sayer, B.; Ferray, M.; Visticot, J.P.; Lozingot, J., Bands associated with Cs(62S1/2)-Cs(72S1/2 and 52D5/2) transitions perturbed by helium, J. Chem. Phys., 1978, 68, 3618-3626. [all data]

Ferray, M.; Visticot, J.P.; Lozingot, J.; Sayer, B., Spectroscopic investigation of the Cs(7S1/2 and 5D5/2;m=1/2)-He interaction, J. Phys. B:, 1980, 13, 2571-2579. [all data]

Sayer, B.; Ferray, M.; Visticot, J.P.; Lozingot, J., Experimental investigation of the Cs(5D5/2,m=1/2) - rare-gas interaction: potential curves and oscillator strength of the dipole-induced transitions, J. Phys. B:, 1980, 13, 177-191. [all data]

Visticot, J.P.; Szudy, J.; Sayer, B., Semiclassical description of the satelllite profile of the Cs(6S1/2→5D5/2) transition perturbed by argon allowing molecular potential determination, J. Phys. B:, 1981, 14, 2329-2335. [all data]

Visticot, J.P.; Lozingot, J.; Sayer, B., CsH formation in electrical discharges: an easy way to perform CsH spectroscopy, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1982, 86, 425-427. [all data]

Visticot, J.P.; Ferray, M.; Lozingot, J.; Sayer, B., Investigation of various ways of forming CsH by irradiating a Cs + H2 mixture with laser light, J. Chem. Phys., 1983, 79, 2839-2847. [all data]

Ferray, M.; Visticot, J.P.; Telle, H.; Sayer, B., Radiative and collisional properties of CsH (A1Σ+) state. I. Ratios of transition probabilities and radiative lifetimes, J. Chem. Phys., 1984, 81, 191-194. [all data]

Ferray, M.; Visticot, J.P.; Sayer, B., Radiative and collisional properties of CsH (A1Σ+) state. III. Rotational energy transfer by collisions with H2, J. Chem. Phys., 1984, 81, 3009-3013. [all data]

Visticot, J.P.; Pascale, J.; Sayer, B., Far wings of the 6sΣ-5dΣ and 6sΣ-7sΣ transitions in Cs-He: influence of non-adiabatic effects, J. Phys. B:, 1985, 18, 2861-2870. [all data]

Dubourg, I.; Ferray, M.; Visticot, J.P.; Sayer, B., Experimental investigation of the Rb (6S or 4D) - rare gas interaction: determination of interaction potentials and oscillator strengths, J. Phys. B:, 1986, 19, 1165-1175. [all data]

Visticot, J.P.; Ferray, M.; D'Oliveira, P.; Sayer, B., Processes involved in the Cs(7P) + H2 → CsH reaction and nascent rotational distribution, J. Chem. Phys., 1986, 84, 1482-1486. [all data]

Bower, R.D.; Chevrier, P.; Das, P.; Foth, H.J.; Polanyi, J.C.; Prisant, M.G.; Visticot, J.P., Broad-band structured fluorescence from NaI, J. Chem. Phys., 1988, 89, 4478-4489. [all data]