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Author:Vinogradova, S.

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11 matching references were found.

Bonetskaya, A.K.; Kravchenko, M.A.; Frenkel, Ts.M.; Pankratov, V.A.; Vinogradova, S.V.; Korshak, V.V., Kinetics and heat of cyclotrimerization of phenyl cyanate, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR, 1973, 212, 1353-13. [all data]

Bonetskaya, A.K.; Kravchenko, M.A.; Frenkel, Ts.M.; Pankratov, V.A.; Korshak, V.V.; Vinogradova, S.V., The polycyclotrimerization of arylcyanates over ZnCl2, Polym. Sci. USSR, 1981, 23, 1647-1652. [all data]

Rabinovich, I.B.; Karyakin, N.V.; Dzharimova, E.S.; Siling, S.A.; Ponomarev, I.I.; Vinogradova, S.V., Thermodynamics of condensation of phthalonitrile with m-phenylenediamine, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1984, 716-723. [all data]

Bonetskaya, A.K.; Kravchenko, M.A.; Frenkel, Ts.M.; Pankratov, V.A.; Vinogradova, S.V.; Korshak, V.V., Kinetics and heat of cyclotrimerization of aryl and alkyl isocyanates, Vysokomol. Soedin., Ser. A, 1985, 27, 1269-1273. [all data]

Bykova, T.A.; Lebedev, B.V.; Kiparisova, E.G.; Tarasov, E.N.; Frenkel, Ts.M.; Pankratov, V.A.; Vinogradova, S.V.; Korshank, V.V., Thermodynamics of phenyl isocyanate, the process of its cyclotrimerization, and the triphenyl isocyanurate that is formed, in the 0-330°K interval, J. Gen. Chem. USSR, 1985, 55, 2303-2308. [all data]

Lebedev, B.V.; Aron, B.M.; Kiparisova, Y.G.; Rabinovich, I.B.; Pankdratov, V.A.; Vinogradova, S.V.; Korshak, V.V., The thermodynamic characteristics of polycyclotrimerization of 2,2-bis-(4-cyanatophenyl)propane, Vysokomol. Soedin., 1975, A17, 2694-2699. [all data]

Rabinovich, I.B.; Karyakin, N.V.; Dzharimova, E.S.; Siling, S.A.; Ponomarev, I.I.; Vinogradova, S.V., Thermodynamics of the condensation of o-phthalic acid dinitrile with m-phenylenediamine, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1984, (4), 779-787. [all data]

Korshak, V.V.; Vinogradova, S.V., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR., 1955, 1955, 925-9. [all data]

Rabinovich, I.B.; Nistratov, V.P.; Babinkov, A.G.; Siling, S.A.; Ponomarev, I.I.; Vinogradova, S.V., Thermodynamics of the condensation of o-phthalic acid dinitrile with m-phenylenediamine, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1984, 1984, 779. [all data]

Lebedev, B.V.; Aron, B.M.; Kiparisova, Ye.G.; Rabinovich, I.B.; Pankdratov, V.A.; Vinogradova, S.V., The thermodynamic characteristics of polycyclotrimerization of 2,2-bis-(4-cyanatophenyl)propane silane, Vysokomol. Soedin., Ser. A, 1975, 17, 2694-9. [all data]

Korshak, V.V.; Vinogradova, S.V., High Molecular Weight Compounds XLI Alcoholysis of Polyesters, Izvest. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 1951, 1951, 756-60. [all data]