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Author:Vinogradova, I.

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2 matching references were found.

Kudryavtseva, N.A.; Fatalieva, A.A.; Lulova, N.I.; Vinogradova, I.E., Methods of assessing fuel and oil quality. Use of gas chromatography to identify components of decomposition products from Sul'fol antiscuff additive, Chem. Technol. Fuels Oils (Engl. Transl.), 1972, 8, 10, 786-790, . [all data]

Frolov, A.F.; Vinogradova, I.V.; Loginova, M.A.; Ob'edkova, L.V.; Ivanov, L.A., Liquid-vapor equilibrium in a styrene + acetophenone + methylphenylcarbinol system, Uch. Zap. Yarosl. Tekhnol. Inst., 1972, No. 28, 110. [all data]