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6 matching references were found.

Kuenen, J.P.; Verschoyle, T.; Van Urk, A.T., Isotherms of diatomic substances and their binary mixtures: xx critical curve of oxygen + nitrogen mixtures, critical phemonena and some isotherms of two mixtures with 50 percent and 75 percent by vo, Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., 1923, 26, 49-64. [all data]

Kuenen, J.P.; Verschoyle, T.; Van Urk, A.T., Isotherms of diatomic substances and their binary mixtures: xx the critical curve of oxygen + nitrogen mixtures, the critical phenomena and some isotherms of two mixtures with 50% and 75% by volume o, Versl. Gewone Vergad. Afd. Natuurk-d., 1922, 511-26, Comm. No. 161, Kamerlingh Onnes Lab.). [all data]

Verschoyle, T.T.H., The ternary system carbon monoxide + nitrogen + hydrogen and the component binary systems between temperatures of -185 and -215c, and between pressures of 0 and 225 atm, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, A, 1931, 230, 189. [all data]

Freeth, F.A.; Verschoyle, T.T.H., Physical Constants of the System Methane-Hydrogen, Proc. R. Soc. London, A, 1931, 130, 453. [all data]

Verschoyle, T.T.H., Isotherms of hydrogen, of nitrogen, and of hydrogen + nitrogen mixtures, at 0 and 20 C, up to a pressure of 200 atmospheres, Proc. R. Soc. London, A, 1926, 111, 552. [all data]

Kuenen, J.P.; Verschoyle, T.T.H.; Van Urk, A.T., Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., 1922, 26, 49. [all data]