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4 matching references were found.

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A.; Vasilkov, A.I., The Results of Measurements of Thermal Conductivity of Gaseous Freons with the Heating Wire Method, Mashiny i Apparaty Kholodil'n., Kriogen. Tekhn. i Konditsionir. Vozdukha., 1977, 2, 54-56. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Danilova, G.N.; Vasilkov, A.I., Application of Instationary Method of Heating Monotone for Study of Liquid Carbon Dioxide, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1980, 39, 1111. [all data]

Zvetkob, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A.; Vasilkov, A.I., The Results of Measurements of Thermal Conductivity of Gaseous Frons with the Heating Wire Method, Mashinyi i Apparatyi Cholodilnoj, Kriogennoh Techniki i Kondizionirovaniyi Vosducha, Collect No. 2, 54-6, 1977. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A.; Vasilkov, A.I., Measurement Results of the Thermal Conductivity of Gaseous Freons by Hot- Wire Method in Mash. Appar. Kholod. Kriog. Tekh. Kondicion. Vozdukha, Coll. Vol., No. 2, Tekhnol. Inst. Kholod. Promst. Press: Leningrad, 54-6, 1977. [all data]