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Author:Vargaftik, N.

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18 matching references were found.

Vargaftik, N.B., Table on the Thermophysical Properties of Liquids and Gases, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Washington, 1975, 0. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Kopylov, N.I.; Lapushkin, S.A.; Pyatibratov, S.N.; Sokolov, S.N., Specific heat of some monoisopropylbiphenyls, Izv. Vyssh. Ucheb. Zaved. Neft Gaz 6, 1963, No.3, 75-78. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Vinogradov, Y.K.; Yargin, V.S., Handbook of Physical Properties of Liquids and Gases, Begell House, New York, 1996, 1370. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Filippov, L.P.; Tarzimanov, A.A.; Totskii, E.E., Table 11.40. Thermal Conductivity of Liquid and Gaseous Ethanol in Handbook of Thermal Conductivity of Liquids and Gases, Vargaftik, N.B., ed(s)., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1994, 132. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Vinogradov, Y.K.; Yargin, V.S., Handbook of Physical Properties of Liquids and Gases, New Augmented and Revised Edition of a Bestseller. in Publisher: (Begell House, New York, 1996. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Filippov, L.P.; Tarzimanov, A.A.; Totskii, E.E., 1986 in Spravochnik po Teploprovodnosti Zhidkostey i Gasov, Ener- goatom Publ., Moscow, 1990. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Kopylov, N.I.; Lapushkin, S.A.; Pyatibratov, S.N., Izv. Vysshikh Uchebn. Zavedenii, Neft. i. Gaz, 1965, 6, 75-8. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Zimina, N.K., Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 1964, 2, 866. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Kopylov, N.I.; Lapushkin, S.A.; Pyatibratov, S.N.; Sokolov, S.N., Thermal properties of monoisopropyldiphenyl, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Neft Gaz, 1963, 6, 3, 75-8. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B., The Effect of Pressure on the Viscosity of Gases, Trudy Moskov. Aviatsion. Inst., 1955, 51, 53-56. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Kerzhentsev, V.V., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1950, 24, 718-720. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Oleschuk, O.N., Izv. Vses. Teplotekh. Inst., 1946, 6, 7. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B., Zh. Tekh. Fiz., 1937, 7, 1199. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Volkov, B.N.; Voljak, L.D., International tables of the surface tension of water., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1983, 12, 817. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Filippov, L.P.; Tarzimanov, A.A.; Totskii, E.E., Teploprovodnost' Zhidkostey i Gasov, Standards Publ., Moscow, 1978. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B., Tables on the Thermophysical Properties of Liquids and Gases, 1975, Hemisphere: New York, 1975. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Stepanov, V.G.; Tarlakov, Yu.V., Vapour pressure of aqueous glycerol solutions, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1970, 44, 1516-7. [all data]

Vargaftik, N.B.; Zaitseva, L.S.; Yakush, L.V., Experimental Investigation of the Vapor Thermal Conductivity of Toluene, Difenyl and Carbon Tetrachloride, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1968, 14, 882-9. [all data]